

China is another large country in Asia, though with a population of over 1.4 billion, unfortunately much of the wildlife has come under dramatic pressure. This is unnecessary, as the majority of the population live in a relatively small area, but for a range of reasons, much of the wildlife has been eradicated. The hope is that over time some of this might recover.

The number of species which still live here (either just clinging on, or thriving)

Here is a list of some of the species which can be seen in the country (there are 495 so we will only list some of the more exciting)

Asian elephant, Amur tiger, Bengal tiger (likely extinct South China Tiger), Indian Leopards, Indo Chinese Leopard, Amur Leopard, Panda bears, Sun bears, 4 subspecies of the brown bear (and the same of the black bear) 3 species of rhino (though possibly all gone)  Dugong, various macaques, snub-nosed monkey and langar species, a surprising range of gibbons, porcupines, squirrels (flying and not), beavers and several species of pangolin. There are also a whole range of whale species, that live in China waters.

There are obviously many more that have not been mentioned.


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To the left, you will find a map of China and its regions. Below this, you will find a sightings map for the whole country. please do put in your sightings. Please note: it will not look like this. China has had a horrific time with poaching, and continues to do so abroad. As such when sightings start to appear, they will either never show publicly, or only briefly. Never the less, what filtering is available have its controls at the top of the page

Should the sightings become a significant database, we will make sure that it goes to the right people 

China News

Future destinations



Malawi is a country in the South East of the continent. It is not particularly large, as it is the 36th largest on the continent, and is a little smaller than England by area. 8.9% of this country is protected and there are a variety of destinations, which people visit from across the world. We hope to support the conservation in all of these over time – do partner with us. 

As we link to more places, they will appear below. Future destinations are places where we hope to link as soon as possible


Future destinations

Malawi News



India is a huge country. I myself grew up, hearing stories of the country from my great grandmother who lived there for quite a time. Stories of her elephant, and encounters with tigers fuelled my young imagination. There are a wide range of destinations and wildlife to see within this country. It is fascinating how much wildlife is left, as the country now has the biggest human population on the globe. There is a great deal of fear that over the next 50 years, all of the current wildlife habitat will be lost – this is not unreasonable, as while tiger populations have grown overall, there have been reserves listed as holding tigers, which have been found to have been poached out. Never-the-less, an Indian wildlife trip is a must for wildlife lovers, at some point in their lives.

Wildlife found within the country includes lions (the last Asiatic lions – outside Africa), Tigers (a growing population), Leopards, Snow leopards (a large part of the Himalayas lie within India) elephants, rhino, Sloth bears and wolves.

The country of the Jungle book, it is well worth a visit. If you work in ecotourism within this huge country, do get in touch, we would love to list your destination and help people find you! 

India Sightings map - As destinations are added, which you can actually visit, they will become clickaboe below

India Regions - they will change colour when there is a page behind it. The map above will mark large destinations

India News

Future destinations



Australia is a fascinating place. Split for a long time, the majority of its mammals are unique. A large percentage of the marsupials on earth are from this country (the others live in South America).

Austrailia is a huge country, and much of it is made up of desert, and many more places of interest lie within its territorial waters. I hope in the future to have a great number of reserves in Australia.

From Kangaroos and Koalas, to snakes and a wide range of sea life (including the great barrier reef. We are eager to list all these destinations over time – our future destinations only have a few of these, but do get in touch. We have created the initial page for a few, these are below.


Australia Sightings map - As destinations are added, which you can actually visit, they will become clickaboe below

Australia Regions - they will change colour when there is a page behind it. The map above will mark large destinations

Australia - Future destinations

Australia - News

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico is a Caribbean island. It lies roughly 1000 miles of the nearest coast of Florida. It should be noted, that Puerto Rican civilians do not have the same rights as other USA citizens.

Never-the-less, from a wildlife point of view, not being on the USA mainland means that there are a range of wildlife which you would not encounter elsewhere in the USA. This includes animals like toucans and parrots, and even Boa Constrictors (while these have become pests in Florida in recent decades, they are native to Puerto Rico.

Future Destinations


Mozambique's wildlife is perhaps more skittish, but with perseverance amazing encounters are there to be had, and often there is no-one around


Mozambique is a country in Southern Africa. While it has a range of reserves, for many of them poaching has caused problems. However, a section of the Limpopo Transfrontier park is in Mozambique which means that animals can, and have been returning from South Africa.

There are other reserves within the Mozambique borders, and the full extent of the Limpopo when fully formed will include a large area within Mozambique. it should also be noted that the Limpopo Transfrontier park is named after the river, but part of the Mozambique area within the Transfrontier park is Limpopo national park.

This is not the only natural wealth of the country and I hope to add far more over time.





Mozambique sightings board

We will be adding our destinations over the next few weeks, though they an already be accessed from the Limpopo transfrontier park page, We are always keen to work with my people, look at the front page for forms to let us know who you are and what you do.


As we gain contacts theses will appear further down the page

Mozambique news

The Limpopo ecosystem is one of the biggest and most full of wildlife. A sizable portion of it is in Mozambique – there are plans for this area to expand further. Click here to view this page


Wood bison - only about 7000 survive, compared to 350,000 of the plains bison. The plains bison numbers 500,000, down from 30 million


The USA is a very large country with the 4th largest territorial area (including seas) and 3rd largest land mass (being only slightly smaller to the second largest). Ranging from some of the hottest places on the planet in death valley in California (56 degrees celcius) to one of the coldest recorded at -62 celcius in Prospect creek in central Alaska. As a result of this, there is a wide range of native wildlife. There is a range of wildlife that has been lost, and many others heavily reduced, but it is still a country with an incredibly diverse natural heritage. Jaguars and Ocelots are heavily depleted, but are returning from Mexico where they have retained a healthy population – this is only just starting for the Jaguar, and it is questionable whether this will be allowed, and the Ocelot which still has populations in southern USA.

Given the the huge size of the country, we will over time, create pages for individual states. These will be accessible through the map below. State pages will be built as they are required for adding destinations (so do send in your destinations). All of these will appear on the sightings map (which you can zoom in on, to be able to see very small details). States will change colour when they become clickable (with a state page lying behind it).

USASightings map - As destinations are added, which you can actually visit, they will become clickaboe below

USA Regions - they will change colour when there is a page behind it. The map to the right will mark large destinations.

There are a wide range of places that are great to go for wildlife. We will work to link with operators around this country over time, but below the news section are links to our pages about those we identified within Canada. They will also be on the map above.

Future Destinations in USA awaiting Partners.

This site is here to help travel to wild places, Whether you work in hospitality around these destinations or others, guides or other hospitality such as restaurants we are eager to work with you. Help us make the natural world more accessible and something that pays those who live with those animals on their doorstep. This way, they get a reward for conserving wildlife, and you will get to see animals in their natural world.

Click on the destinations to see what they are and read an introduction. Each label includes a link to our page that deals with the place in question, you may need to scroll down in order to see this (click more details)


Arctic wolves on Canadas Ellesmere island


Canada is a large country to the North of the USA (a relatively small portion of this land is Alaska which sits on the northern edge of Canada – however when Canada was formed Alaska was part of Russia, and was sold to the USA).

Canada is actually has the 2nd largest area within its border in the world, putting it bigger than the USA. However, if you only count land area, then the country drops to 7th largest – though still bigger than India. Canada only has a population of 38 million, so just 10 people per square mile. In reality, much of Canada is wild.

There are between 50,000 and 60,000 wolves within the country – far less than there would be naturally, but they are found in 90% of their former territory and this country is one of their true strongholds, and there is much wolf tourism within the country. 40% of Canada is Arctic, and as such it is not surprising that an Arctic wolf is also found here. Figures vary wildly, but a number of places state that 2% of Canadas wolves are white, which would suggest that between 1000 and 1200 Arctic wolves also live in Canada – these beautiful animals are also found on Greenland – however in 2018 estimates put the Greenland wolf population at 200 – even if this was a vast underestimate, what is clear is that most Arctic wolves live in Canada


Canada Provinces - These will be added as destinations require it, allowing you to see the close detail of each area

Around 29,000 grizzly bears are found in Canada, though this is greatly reduced from their historical population. Perhaps a way to see this, is to look at Alaska – although it is only 18% of the size of Canada, Alaska has more bears at 30,000. This population appears to be growing. However, given that the Grizzly bear population of the USA (apart from Alaska and Hawaii) is 1200-1500, it suggests that Canadian bears are actually doing alright.

In terms of black bears, Canada is thought to have a population of 380,000 black bears, compared to just 220,000 in the USA. They are a popular trophy species, and it is thought that around 500,000 were killled over the last 11 years, or about 45,000 a year. This is not a good situation, and it is quite likely that there are many parts of the USA and Canada which could generate more money by photographic safaris rather than hunting them.

Canada is an arctic national and as such hosts roughly 16,000 of the 20,000-25,000 remaining polar bears on the planet. There is also a relatively well developed tourism industry for polar bear watching.

There are a fascinating range of other species that can be found in Canada, These may well be added over time.

Given a population of an average European country, and generally clumped in specific areas, there are large areas which have very low populations. 60% of the countries population live in 2 provinces of Ontario and Quebec.

There are a wide range of places that are great to go for wildlife. We will work to link with operators around this country over time, but below the news section are links to our pages about those we identified within Canada. They will also be on the map above.

Future Destinations in Canada awaiting Partners

We have already built pages for various places of wildlife interest in Canada, but are awaiting partners, click here to browse them. They will all move to this page, as partners (big or small) join us. Whether you are a guide, work in hospitality or some other assistance for wild travel, we are interested in working with you.


Bear watching is not as advanced as in Romania, but growing fast

There are a wide variety of wildlife that have strongholds in Bulgaria. Wolves still number 1000-1200, though they have no protection at all. indeed, they have an active bounty on their head, and no compensation is paid for an livestock predation. As such the wolf population is considered fragile. There are 700-900 brown bears ranging through Bulgaria’s forest.

83% of the Rhodope mountains are found in this country, with the rest in Serbia and even Greece. As links are made they will appear below


Indonesia is a range of islands, which have a wide variety of wildlife not found elsewhere. This species, the Tapanuli Orangutan was only discovered recently, yet is already on its way to extinction


Indonesia is an incredible place. It is the largest archipelago in the world to form a single state, which consists of 5 main islands (Java, Sumatra, New Guinea, Borneo and Sulawesi) and 30 smaller archipelagoes which include a total number of 18,110 islands and islets. 6000 of these are inhabited by humans, and there are a wide range of unique species that live on these islands. 

These islands are in very different states in terms of its conservation status, with Borneo and Sumatra still having significant areas of rainforest, and with their wildlife still hanging on, but on Java animals such as the Javan tiger, and the Javan Orangutan have been lost. The Javan Rhino still clings on – with around 77 left. This is slightly less endangered than the Sumatran rhino but still in series danger of being lost. I hope over time for this page to grow to hundreds of pages and vast quantities of information, but we are only starting here.

Indonesia sightings board - note as pages are made for individual islands, their sightings boards will move to their page (this map is obviously at to big a scale to read it properly.

Links to areas to visit will appear below our list of articles that refer or are about Indonesia.  Please note, while it is not possible to add sightings to this map above. This is because the whole country is is a specific regional ecosystem. Over time every area will become clickable, so that you can access the ecosystem and record sightings.

Help us build up a map of where wildlife has been seen. Add any sightings of mammals that you encounter. As this map starts to be used, we will greatly reduce how long sightings remain free for anyone to see, so that hunters and poachers cannot use this as a resource. The idea is that over time we can build up an idea of exactly where we should look for them.

Indonesia News

Click on the areas of the map to see pages that we have created about smaller parts of this island chain. As we get links which you can use for your travel will be added.

List of areas linked

Bali wildlife

See Animals Wild