Tapanuli Orangutan
Orangutans are often animals high on the list that people wish to see one day. Orangutans are the only great ape that lives outside Africa. While fossils show that at one time, it was found on the mainland of Asia, the Orangutan is now restricted to the islands of Borneo and Sumatra.There are 3 species of Orangutan and their conservation status varies dramatically. The Orangutan was first scientifically described in 1779 by Dutch anatomist Petrus Camper.Â
You will find all the articles we have written on Orangutans below
As always, we hope to add many destinations for Orangutans in the near future, do get in touch if you wish to list somewhere in their range. These links will be added below the news sections as we make links.
Norway pension fund has disinvested from a British firm Jardines of destructive plans for the Tapanuli orangutan habitat
- Tim
- June 11, 2024
With an estimated historical habitat of this species 95% destroyed already, only leaving a small patch of rainforest with an estimated 800 Tapanuli orangutan, it would seem obvious that this small patch of rainforest should be protected, no matter what. however this opinion is not shared by everyone. Having said this, thankfully, it is shared …...
The worlds top sovereign fund is cutting ties with a dam which will likely lead to the extinction of the Tapanuli Orangutan
- Tim
- September 9, 2023
In most countries, if a dam was to cause so much destruction to the last habitat of a species, the dam would likely not get permission to be built. It is true that the dam will only take about 20% of the land in question, directly. It will also split the population in half. Given …...
Will the 8th great ape- the Tapanuli orangutan – survive the first 2 decades after being described?
- Tim
- May 2, 2023
It is just 5 years since the Tapanuli orangutan was described. Despite this Orangutan being restricted to an area of Northern Sumatra, it is more closely related to the Bornean Orangutan than the Sumatran one. This might be the clearest indication of how long this species has been separate from its cousins. The Tapanuli Orangutan …...
The Tapanuli Orangutan is still threatened with extinction, despite only recently being discovered
- Tim
- November 6, 2021
The Tapanuli Orangutan lives on Sumatra but are thought to be more closely related to Bornean Orangutans. Numbering around 800 members, they had a far wider ranging habitat until recently. They are now restricted to about 1000 square km – about 2.5% of their former range. What is harder, is that these Orangutans are not …...
It would appear the 8th great ape the Tapanuli Orangutan is closer to extinction than we thought
- Tim
- March 24, 2021
A study has been examining the range of the Tapanuli orangutan and has concluded that they are currently found in only 2.5% of their historic range, having lost the rest of their range to hunting and habitat loss.
I wrote a while ago about it a dam caused for the tapanuli orangutan, apparently it has been delayed by up to 3 years- lets make sure its delay is permanent
- Tim
- August 21, 2020
I personally couldn’t see how an environmental check could make it through if the building of the dam, would completely eradicate one of the eight great apes on earth. However between the environmental challenges, the current ongoing pandemic and problems financing the project with many of the large world banks not keen to be associated …...
Orangutans are roaming into villages in Sumatra – bad news
- Tim
- April 6, 2023
At first glance, you could look at this headline as good news – in most instances, wild animals do not start looking outside their habitat for places to live, unless there are too many and they are being forced out. However, they also start looking elsewhere when they struggle to find food where they are, …...
The builders of the dam that will eradicate 80 to 90% of the range of the tapunali orangutan are refusing to do an assessment on the damage to this species – a new update, things keep changing, check back for mroe
- Tim
- August 29, 2020
Only a few years after the Tapunali orangutan was recognised as the 8th great ape species, a dam was planned for the area which would functionally wipe out this great ape species.
Give carbon credits for a dam which requires a large area of rainforest to be cut down? That’s absurd.
- Tim
- March 8, 2020
Indonesia is pressing ahead with its desire to build a dam in the Sumatran rainforest. Now when the Dam is filled and floods this vast area of rainforest, all the carbon currently stored in the trees will be released back into the air- either as carbon or as meeting due to the breakdown of the …...
Dam that threatens the survival all of the rarest great ape is in the wrong place will make more carbon dioxide emissions during building and reduce emissions less than claimed
- Tim
- March 4, 2020
A recent analysis has shown that the the Dam that would cover 90% of the Tapanuli orangutan population has had the prospects of positive outcomes hugely hyped by it’s backers, and minimising negative facts about the Dam have been buried. The region is already well connected to the grid with almost all Communities already served. …...
News in brief – articles from last few weeks
- Tim
- January 24, 2020
Owl in Christmas tree A Georgia family cut down a tree and took it home, decorated it and left it in their house. Only a week after they had bought it did they noticed that there was an owl still living within the branches. It wouldn’t leave on its own so they had to call …...