The Cao Vit gibbon is a species found on the border of Vietnam and China. Only thought to number 74 in the wild (and having suffered a loss of 38% of the population in recent years, this is a little known and critically endangered species. Once thought to be a subspecies of the Hainan black crested gibbon, it was found to be far to distinct for this.
Its name is an attempt at mimicking its name.
While in the past it has been hunted, and could be the reason that the population is so low, its biggest threats at the current time, include loss of habitat, and habitat degradation for firewood.
This species was already only thought to have a wild population of 120, however the population has been found to have fallen to just 74 (a 38% reduction).
Gigantopithecus blacki – the likely largest species of great ape ever to have existed
Thought to have gone extinct 295,000 and 215,000 years ago, having first appeared around 2 million years ago. Rather than being caused by our ancestors, it unfortunately became extinct as a result of the climate became more seasonal and the plant-eating primate struggled to adapt to changing vegetation.
Might this be a for-shadow for the extinction of the rest of the great apes?
The largest ever primate Gigantopithecus blacki went extinct at a time when Asian great apes were thriving, and its demise has long been a considered a mystery. A massive regional study of 22 caves in southern China explores a species on the brink of extinction between 295,000 and 215,000 years ago. As the environment became more seasonal, forest plant communities changed Primates such as orangutans adapted their eating habits and behaviors in response but G. blacki showed signs of stress, struggled to adapt and their numbers dwindled.
This species was 3m (10 feet) tall, it was around twice the weight of the the largest gorillas. It was first identified around 100 years ago, from fossilized teeth (around 2000 have been found) sold as dragon bones. Around (700,000 or) 600,000 years ago we start to see large environmental changes and during that period we see a decline in the availability of fruit.
As a result Giganto (ate) less nutritious fall-back foods. We’ve got evidence from looking at the teeth structure, Westaway added. Pits and scratches on the teeth suggest it was eating really fibrous food such as bark and twigs from the forest floor.
Funnily enough, they are not thought to have ever lived in caves, but instead had their remains carried there.
As there are no, non-cranial fossils (i.e. any fossils of any part of this species below the neck) , it’s hard to know exactly what Gigantopithecus would have looked like. Its upper molars are 57.8% larger than a gorilla’s and the lower molars are 33% larger, suggesting its body weight would have been 200 to 300 kilograms.
Given its size, it is thought to have long abandoned the tree-tops, though given its closest living relative is the Bornean Orangutan, of which, older males are often spending more time on the ground given their large weight as well.
There are fossils of homo erectus from nearby, from around 800,000 years ago, suggesting that we might well have lived alongside them. How happy or harmonious this relationship is, we cannot know. Unfortunately, given recent history, it is quite likely that directly or indirectly we had a hand in this species extinction, given our impact on almost all other species that we know.
The red colobus group is one which has had a surprising number of new species discovered in recent decades. Being primates, they are usually fascinating and you can sit and watch them for lots of time. There are many groups that have been isolated in small fragments of forest, which makes conservation hard.
Little clear information is there on many of these species, perhaps unsurprisingly, given how long they managed to stay under the radar. I have attempted to include a video with each. Some are short clips of the animal, one is the search for a close to extinction (miss waldrons) and several is simple some information over images.
As with similar groups of animals, as the links for each of these species start arriving, they will be given an entire page of their own. Help this be required as soon as possible.
Bouviers red colobus monkey:Â
Not having been seen for 4 decades until 2015, they are restricted to 3 small areas (this map is the DRC) in purple highlighted. First described in 1887 it was considered a subspecies of Pennants colobus, but was reassessed as separate species in 2007.
In 2008 and 2016 it was assessed as critically endangered, and none have been seen in the wild since 1970. A few possible sightings in the 2000 were further south than previously known.
In 2019 the IUCN reclassified it as endangered because of “known populations in norther DRC”. It is still rarely sighted despite many surveys
Ugandan red colobus monkey:Â
Also known as the ashy red colobus, it was recognized as a separate species (up from being a subspecies of the western red colobus monkey) in 2001, though there are still plenty of experts who disagree with this change. It is found in 1 regions of Uganda (17,000 alone) and 4 regions of Tanzania. Possible it may be found in Rwanda, Burundi and the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. Males weigh around 10kg, with the females weighing 7kg.
As you will see, it is one of the possible subspecies of the Central Africa red colobus. Time will tell.
There are thought to be around 20,000 left in the wild, and are classed as endangered, though it is listed as having declined my 89% (presumably since 2001 when it was declared a separate species.
Central African red colobus monkey:Â Â
This species does not appear to be an individual species, rather a general name that many of the above species have at one time been grouped with. These include
Foa’s red colobusÂ
Lang’s red colobusÂ
Oustalet’s red colobusÂ
Lomami red colobusÂ
Tana River red colobusÂ
Semliki red colobusÂ
Ugandan red colobusÂ
Due to these species being listed here, they will not be covered separately (unless their status changes).
Niger Delta red Colobus monkey: Found in Southern Nigeria, it was originally considered a subspecies of the western red colobus, then considered a subspecies of Pennants red colobus. There are only thought to be 50 left. Below is a 4 minute video from its habitat which shows it in the wild – makes me want to be there.
Pennants colobus monkey:Â
Preuss red colobus monkey:Â
Tholon (or Tshuapa) red colobus monkey:Â
Western red colobus monkey:Â
Zanzibar red colobus monkey:Â Found on the southern half of the main island of the Zanzibar archipelago (Unguja), it is also known as the Kirk redo colobus, after the discoverer. Classified as endangered in the mid 1990s, its population is still decreasing. It is believed to have been isolated when sea levels rose after the last ice age – however, as with other species trapped like this, they can evolve fast. Genetic analysis suggests a split 600,000 years ago.
The local word for it means poison monkey, due to its bad smell, this has lead to some targeting. 1600-3000 survive, with about half in protected areas.
Udzungwa red colobus monkey: (other names include the Uzungwa red colobus or Iringa red colobus) It is endemic to riverine and montane forest in the Udzungwa Mountains in Kilolo District of Iringa Region in Tanzania. It is threatened by habitat loss, though most of the land it is found on is protected (90% falls within the Udzungwa national park, I have seen one while visiting). Of course the problem with this, is that its range is not large, so it can never have a large population.Â
The current population is roughly 15,400. The IUCN ranks this species as endangered
Miss Waldrons red colobus monkey: Native to west Africa, it was previously considered a subspecies of the wester red colobus monkey. It has not been officially sighted since 1978 and was considered extinct in 2000, however, new evidence suggests that a very small number of these monkeys may be living in the southeast corner of Côte d’Ivoire. The IUCN Red List notes Miss Waldron’s red colobus as critically endangered.
High-canopy forests (rainforests) in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire serve as the exclusive habitat of Miss Waldron’s red colobus. The monkey usually formed large family groups of 20 or more. It is a social and highly vocal animal, frequently communicating with others using loud calls, shrieks and chattering. It eats fruit seeds and canopy leaves, and is eaten in turn, by western chimpanzeeleopard and python.
It was the first primate classed as extinct in the 21st century. However, evidence collected are highly compelling.
However, primatologist W. Scott McGraw from Ohio State University has been collecting evidence of the monkey’s continued existence during his expeditions to Côte d’Ivoire over the past several years:
In 2000, McGraw was given a black monkey tail which DNA tests proved to be from a red colobus. The hunter who gave McGraw the tail claimed he had shot the monkey the previous year.
In 2001, an Ivorian hunter gave McGraw a piece of reddish monkey skin also believed to have come from Miss Waldron’s red colobus.
Also in 2001, McGraw received a photograph of what appeared to be an adult Miss Waldron’s red colobus which had been killed. Experts who have examined the photograph attest to its likely authenticity.Â
Whether a surviving population will be found, or if there are just a handful left, we will have to wait and see. The Below video is from this area, while it is in Hindi, it is worth watching with the subtitles on.
The primates are in some ways one of the most successful families. It is true that many are now endangered, however, unfortunately, that is as a result of the run-away success of the most successful member of the primate family us! Having left the rainforests behind, we have been reducing their coverage dramatically over the last few centuries.Â
The sad thing, is that while we have pushed many of our closest cousins towards extinction, the loss of forests may well cost us dearly in the future as well. As a species, we need to pull together to meet this challenge. in order to jump to the various families, click on the family of interest above – though all can also be reached by scrolling down.
Great ape Family split is thought to have split from its nearest relative – the gibbon family, around 17 million years ago.
4 million years later the Orangutan family split from the gorilla line and the human/chimp line.
3 million years after this (so around 10 million years ago) the gorilla family split from the Homo (humans) and Pan
Finally the human line (homo) split from the Pan line 5-6 million years ago.
It should be noted, that chimpanzees and Bonobos split from a common ancestor just 1.8 million years ago. This occurred as the two populations ceased to be able to have contact with each other – the Congo rive formed between 1.5 and 2 million years ago.
For more information on each species, click on their photo and this will take you to their page
It should be noted that while I have grouped eastern western and skywalker gibbon together, there is some contention that the skywalker gibbon should be in its own genus, having diverged around half a million years aog
Dryas monkeys, also known as salonga monkeys, are found only in the Congo basin, on the left side of the Congo river. At one time, thought to be a subspecies of the Diana monkey, it is to different to be considered the same species.
While it is currently considered data deficient, there are experts who believe that in fact there are only around 200 remaining in the wild, and it is actually close to extinction. having said that, in 2019 it was discovered in Lomami national park at 8 locations. While it is unclear how many individuals this accounts for, what is clear is that it should only be listed as endangered.
This species prefers secondary forest locations. Although secondary forests are said to be preferred, these monkeys may also inhabit lowlands, rivers, or swampy areas of the Congo.[9]
The diet of the Dryas is said to be made up of mostly plant foods, including fruits, young leaves, and flowers. As these foods are often unavailable, this species also consumes small invertebrates, such as insects, as a supplement
Ranging from Ghana to Sudan, and is listed as least concern. There are 3 recognized subspecies, which is not a surprise given the large area over which it is found. It is also highly adaptable species able to inhabit open woodland, savannah, forest-grassland mosaic and riverside forest. It is at home in secondary forest and even rural and urban locations.
They live in groups of up to 30, with around 10 adult males,
Sometimes, classed as a subspecies of the vervet monkey (or the Grivet). It is found in central and south central Africa, ranging from the Albertine Rift in the DRC west to the Atlantic coast and south to northern Namibia and Zambia west of the Luangwa River. Its choice of habitat, is marshy forests, Savanna-forest and montane forest up to an altitude of 4,500.
They live in groups of 6-50 animals and are active during the day. Each group defends a territory – size depending on the amount of food available.
This monkey is found in the Bale mountains of Ethiopia, in the bamboo forests. They rely on the bamboo for their diet, which means that they are generally restricted to it. As much as 77% of its dietary requirements comes from African alpine bamboo. In continuous forest they eat around 10 species, however in broken forests their choice of plants can be as much as 5 times higher – these populations can consume as little as 2% of their food from bamboo. It is unclear if this is as a result of the hybridisation or a natural adaption. It does mean that should an area of bamboo be destroyed, then unlike giant pandas they can simply start eating something else until the bamboo recovers. When they live near human settlements, they will also happily raid human crops.
In the past, fragmentation has lead to contact with vervet monkey and Grivet. While this is thought to be around a century ago, it has left traces on the genetic make-up of the animal.
Currently, it is only listed on CITES appendix 2, so it is not close to being extinct. However it is occasionally hunted, and if human behaviour was to change its population could fall very fast.
Below here, you will see a short video of this species, and below that is a list of any times where this blog mentions this species. Below that, is a list of any articles that mention this species (if any).Â
Under this, we will list any links which might help you see this species in the wild. If you work in the ecotourism within its range, whether as a guide, or perhaps in hospitality, we are keen to list your services at the bottom of the page, so that anyone who shows interest in this species can instantly find the services listed to be able to book their travel to see them. It costs nothing, but should someone book, through this website, we take a small commission.
This monkey is found in many habitats ranging from the dry edge of the Sahel region up to the edge of the rainforest. It is also common along the coast, and is known in these areas to feed on crabs. It will also feast on fruits and even invertebrates. In west africa it is found from Senegal and the Gambia to the Volta river. It has been introduced to the Cape verde islands of Santiago and brava close to North Africa, around 350 years ago. It has also been introduced to West Indian islands of St Kitts, Nevis, St Martin and Barbados around 250 years ago, by slave ships on the way from west Africa. There is also a small colony which started from a zoo escape that lives in Florida (Broward County)
They are classed as least concern, so certainly at the moment, they are not facing extinction.
There are people who suggest that the whole vervet family is essesntially one widely varied species, though most disagree with this stance. It is currently listed as least concern, and while hybridisation between this and the Bale vervet threatens the future survival of the Bale vervet, the grivet is too common for this to have a big impact at the time.