Borneon Orangutan

Wild Borneo orangutan credit Sabar Minsyah


Orangutans are often animals high on the list that people wish to see one day. Orangutans are the only great ape that live outside Africa. While fossils show that at one time it was found on the mainland of Asia, the Orangutan is now restricted to the islands of Borneo and Sumbatra.

This page is devoted to the Orangutan on the island of Borneo. The Borneon Orangutan currently numbers roughly 104,750 wild members, which is far more than the other subspecies. It is classed as endangered – 50% of its rainforest has been cut down.

As always, we hope to add many destinations for Orangutans in the near future, do get in touch if you wish to list somewhere in their range. Below, any listings that might get added in the future, you will find all the articles we have written on Orangutans

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