Ireland – Future destinations

A small European country, which is an island, close to Great Britain (a collection of northern provinces are still part of the UK). From a wildlife point of view, the number of extinct species is large. Wolves bears and Lynx are all extinct, and as a small island it is unlikely that in the current state, is capable of reintroducing them.

There are other aspects of the island which are good for wildlife. The seas around the coasts are incredibly busy with wildlife. While the number of whales is well below what would have been historically been present, there are many that live in these areas. Having said this, there are still species that are rare visitors. As much as 25 species are seen from time to time. These range from Minkes, which are common (they are the smallest of the great whales (though can still weigh up to 10 tonnes). Other species include Humpback whales, fin whales, as well as common bottle-nose and short-beaked dolphins, as well as harbour porpoises.

Rarer whales include long-finned pilot whale, Blue whale, Sei whale, Sperm whale, Northern bottle-nosed whale, Cuviers whale and Sowersby beaked whale.

Killer whales are also seen with relatively regularity as well.

There are other far rarer species of whale (False killer whale, True beaked whale, Gervais beaked whale, Dwarf sperm whale, Pygmy sperm whale, Beluga, Bowhead whale, Blainvilles beaked whale and the North-Atlantic right whale). The last of these was hunted very close to extinction, and while the Southern right whale has rebounded nicely (though still far from historical numbers) has done far better. There are only 350 of these whales left, their name, like the southern right whale is unfortunately because they are so good to hunt – they have a lot of oil in their body, they swim slowly and float when dead.

Specific destinations in Ireland

Canada – Future Destinations

Canada is a large country, indeed only one country is larger (Russia). As could be imagined, this huge country covers a wide range of habitats, which includ

  • Boreal forest/Taiga
  • Temperate broadleaf and mixed forests
  • Temperate coniferous forests
  • Temperate grasslands, savannas, and shrublands
  • Tundra

The Marine ecoregions include

  • Arctic
  • Cold temperate northeast Pacific

As might be clear, this huge country also has a great deal of wildlife.


Chile – Future destinations

Future Destinations - Chile

Chile is a narrow country on the west of South America. Running 2700 miles, north to south, along the coast, it has a wide range of ecosystems. While much of the country is not far from the coast and therefore the sea and water, due to the rain shadow cast by the Andes there are many very dry regions.

The Atacama desert is one of the driest, places on earth (there are areas of this desert which have never been seen to get rain). 

Central Andean Dry Puna Classed in the montane grasslands and shrubland biome. Located in the high Andes, it stretches between Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. It contains snow-capped peaks, high plateaus, volcanoes and salt lakes.

The region is home to numerous mammals such as the Andean mountain cat, Andean fox, cougar, vicuna, puma, IIamas, and quirquincho. Flamingo species in the region are James’s flamingo, Andean Flamingo, and Chilean Flamingo. Endemic bird to the region includes the royal cinclodes, Ash-breasted tit-tryant, and short-tailed finch. Most of these birds have been classified as endangered. There are several reserves in the area, and we hope to link with them in the future.

Valdivian temperate rain forests  lying in teperate forest and mixed biome. The endangered pudu, the world’s smallest deer, is found here alongside an arboreal marsupial known as the kodkod, and the Magellanic woodpecker.

South Andean Steppe Animal species in the area include the puma, Andean fox, guanaco, and the vicuna. The ecoregion has not been subjected to environmental degradation, mainly because it is not suitable for farming. Most of the ecoregion is also preserved in parks and reserves.

Other biomes in the country include Other ecological regions present in Chile include the Arid Puna, Atacama-Sechura Desert Complex, the Bolivian High Andean Complex, the Chilean Matorral, Chiloe Island, Chonos Archipelago, Juan Fernandez Islands, Juan Fernandez Islands Temperate Forests, Magallanes-Ultima Esperanza Complex, Magellanic Subpolar Forests, North Mediterranean Chile, Pacific Coastal Deserts, Patagonian Grasslands, Patagonian Steppe, Rapa Nui and Sala-y-Gomez Subtropical Broadleaf Forests, San Felix-San Ambrosio Islands Temperate Forests, Sechura Desert, South Mediterranean Chile, the Tierra del Fuego-Rio Grande Complex, and the Valdivian.

In amongst all this I am going to highlight several places we have already started to build pages for. However, we would be interested in working with anyone who is a guide in this fascinating country – please get in touch.

Brazil future destinations

Brazil future destinations

Brazil is one of the countries with the most wilderness that remains. Indeed, much of the Amazon rainforest is within its borders. Indeed, it would be reasonable to question whether the Amazon rainforest could remain a rainforest if all of the rainforest in Brazil was destroyed (rainforests produce much of the rain that they need to survive, so once it is gone, it is often far harder to re-establish it.

We are yet to have any partners in the country, but are keen to connect with anyone who works in any industry which would help tourists visiting Brazil to see its wildlife and natural beauty. These destinations below are some of the big draws, but we are keen to work with anyone who works in the field. Adding a destination is incredibly fast. For those visiting this page, all the links below are live and go to fascinating destinations within Brazil – feel free to browse and travel in your mind

To return to the main Brazil page, click here

France – Future Destinations

France - Future Destinations

Wild horses from the Camargue

Despite the fact that France is a country in Western Europe, and that it killed off the majority of its apex predators (they are returning, both naturally and reintroductions) it should not be ignored by those who might want to see the natural world. Firstly wolves have returned, and Lynx have been reintroduced. Furthermore, while bears have been lost from the  French Alps (natural repopulation may happen eventually) there are still some near the Spanish border. We wish to add many more destinations.

Uganda – Future destinations

While currently just 16% of Uganda is proteted, it has a wide variety of important ecosystems and with its chimpanzee and gorilla trekking, tourism makes up an important part of the countries income as a whole. Unfortunately we do not yet have any links in this area, but we hope for this to change (with your help?) in the near future.

We have already created pages for these 3 destimations, and they simply await the people who can guide or host as people travel to these place – and thereby benefit the people who live nearby.

Germany – Future destinations

Germany - Future Destinations

Germany is an interesting country. For around half of the twentieth century, it was split into two countries, and while the west half followed a similar pattern to France, where the majority of wolves and bears were lost over this period. However, in the east of Germany, while wolves did not survive, having returned to Poland, they are doing very well in this region. This means that different regions of the country can feel very different.

Poland – Future destimations

Poland - Future destinations

Poland has a variety of interesting ecosystems and wildlife. 

We are looking for partners in these ecosystems (as well as any others). Whether you work as a wildlife guide, or in hospitality in the area. We want to hear from you. Please choose a form (the one which relates to what you do) under “List your place” at the top of the page. As soon as we have one contact the destination will move into the main lists

Other places like the Carpathians are already linked on the main Poland page, though we are also still requiring links in this region as well.

See Animals Wild