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    Shrinking trees, and tuskless elephants – what other effects are humans having?

    Humans are causing trees to grow smaller, as big trees are more likely to be harvested. In the same way, elephants are being born in some reserves without their tusks, as this means that they are less likely to be hunted (and therefore, those born without tusks tend to survive better and have more young).

    Snails are developing lighter shells, in order to cope with heat better, and swallows are developing shorter wings as this is easier to avoid being hit by cars, are just some of the large number of effects that humans are having on the natural world.

    The problem is if these impacts mean that the species is less capable of surviving (do tuskless elephants live as long?). Are humans becoming the primary threat for many species?

    If so, we need to change that and fast.

    Sumatra is finding that building bridges over roads is much cheaper than elsewhere

    This seems a very cheap and simple solution to roads, at least for primates. A standard motorway bridge in the UK can cost well over $1million (estimates suggest at least £890,000). This compares to a canopy bridge costing $5000 if even that much.

    Each male Sumatran Orangutan needs 15 square miles, while females need at least 3 square miles. Therefore in order to have a significant population in an area of say 1000 individuals, you are talking about needing almost 10,000 square miles of rainforest that is connected. It is highly likely, in a 100 by 100 square mile block that there will be some roads crossing it. Therefore, these simple methods for connecting forest blocks could become more and more important.

    It should be noted, that while this works for primates in areas like this, it will not help the Sumatran elephants, or rhino or tigers, which share some of these forests. Still, it might mean that larger bridges for other animals to cross could be less common, while still allowing primates to cross with ease?

    Scientists dissect the worlds rarest whale – the Spade-toothed beaked whale for clues on it (almost nothing is known about it)

    researchers conduct autopsy on stranded spade beaked whale CC BY-SA 3.0

    I wrote about this find (click here to read the original article) as one of just 7 of this species (spade-toothed beaked whale) to have washed ashore, it was too important an opportunity to find out something about this species in the wild.

    Whales do eventually sink to the ocean floor, so it is quite difficult to know how many spade toothed whales there are left in the world (as we only encounter those which wash up on shore). They are thought to be very rare, but this is just conjecture. This is because, having been timed, holding breath for 87 minutes (and theorized that they might be able to last more than 2 hours), they would only have to surface perhaps 15 times in a 24 hour period. Furthermore, given their incredibly low profile in the water, they are likely capable of regularly coming to the surface without being particularly visible. It is true that they have been seen blowing spouts (the puff of moisture and air that signals a whales breath), but given their low profile, perhaps they are capable of exhaling in a less obvious way.

    This one in question washed ashore in Otago, on South Island of New Zealand.

    Continue reading “Scientists dissect the worlds rarest whale – the Spade-toothed beaked whale for clues on it (almost nothing is known about it)”

    In December, the worlds oldest known bird, an albatross, laid an egg in her 74th year.

    albatross aged 74 photo credit US fish and wildlife service

    The bird, called Wisdom, is a Laysan albatross was photographed with her current partner and the egg. Normally expected to live between 12 and 40 years, this is an incredible lifespan. She is also thought to have had around 30 chicks, which given that they do not breed every year is a phenomenal number. Perhaps more impressive, the chick survived, and has been seen within the last month, suggesting that not only did she have this chick at such an old age, but she raised it successfully.

    She was first tagged in 1956 (the year that my father was born) and they do not breed until at least 5 years old.

    Male dominance is perhaps less the default than thought amongst primates, a new study has found

    Even before the study was started, it was known that some species are not male dominated. Above is a family of Bonobos, and these great apes live in a female dominated society.

    Given our assumption that on male dominance, it is perhaps surprising, that only 58% of primate species have dominant males. Perhaps not surprising, as a result, every major primate group had at least one species which was female (or co-dominant) structures.

    Indeed, with the gibbons (or lesser apes on this website, to check them out, click here to visit the home page, and then expand the species database, and click on lesser apes) all 5 species examined (there are a total of 20) have been classed as non-male dominant.

    Amongst primates, this likelihood is (according to Lewis, the head of the study) relatively easily predicted, as tends to occur in the species, where there is little difference between the size of male and female members.

    An example here, is clear: while a male gorilla can weigh twice that of a female, siamang gibbons only have males a couple of kg heavier than females – not surprisingly, while male gorillas are dominant, this is not the case with siamang gibbons.

    It should be noted, therefore, that while 4 out the 5 species of great apes are male dominated (we assume this in humans as well, though, in the modern day, it would be hard to argue that we are not more of a co dominant species. Given that likely all the lesser apes (the gibbons) are more or less co-dominant, it follows, that even just looking at the apes, more are female dominant or co-dominant.

    Continue reading “Male dominance is perhaps less the default than thought amongst primates, a new study has found”

    Could flooding wetlands, be the next big carbon capture method?

    The Nywaigi people of Australia have found that by doing this, this behaviour can sequester carbon, boost biodiversity and create jobs.

    It is thought that peatlands, store twice as much carbon as rainforests, so their protection and recovery is essential if we are to maintain the wonderful climate that has allowed the human race to flourish.

    In this instance (not the place that the video comes from) just 1 decade ago, the area was bad. Much of it was freshwater pasture, with a load of invasive weeds that were choking both the land and the waterways. This was caused by a ‘bund’, an earth wall build 50 years ago, to block off incoming seawater, in order to transform the area into freshwater ponded pasture (to be used for cattle pasture). You can find a video on this project to restore this area, and the bottom of this article.

    Continue reading “Could flooding wetlands, be the next big carbon capture method?”

    Orca roundup (killer whale news)

    Killer whale or Orca: highly intelligent, inquisitive, caring of family, no wonder they fascinate us

    The Southern resident killer whale population is on the brink of extinction, but it seems, not for the reason that people thought.

    Found along the coast of Washington, Oregon, California, and British Columbia, this population is thought to number just 75, but births are rare, and often end in sadness. 2 calves have been born in the last 2 years, but both have died young. This year, the mother was seen carrying her dead infant for some time (draped across her snout).

    It is thought that this population is in danger as a result of a collapse in the Chinook salmon which is an essential part of their diet. However, this theory is defeated, when we look at the Northern resident killer whale population, and notice that they appear to have less access to the salmon. There is lots of shipping noise in their home, which may mean that they are incapable of communicating, which would impact their ability to hunt,

    It is true that the origins of their decline lie around 120 years ago, when blackfish (orca as they were then called) were both slaughtered and captured for marine parks. The population on stopped falling fast when Canada banned capture. So is this just the straw that broke the camels back?

    Why do captive orca have drooping fins?

    Drooping dorsal fins are occasionally seen in the wild, so the split is not totally solid, but it is true, that while most captive orca eventually have a drooping dorsal fin, this is a far rarer site in the wild (while not being unheard of).

    The fin is supported by a tough protein called callagen, and it has been suggested that with captive orca spending more time at the surface, the higher temperature from the sun may degrade the protein.

    Tahlequah has given birth again (famous for carrying her first calf after it died)

    Tahlequah carried a former calf for 17 days after it died, and for more than 1000 miles. This means it is rather lovely to see that she has had another calf. However, the calf has already been observed being pushed by the mother and does not look healthy. The mother is very experienced, so it is hoped that she can succeed, but time will tell. This mother is part of the Southern resident population which i mentioned above, which is small and with few births in recent years. It is therefore very concerning to find that 2 related calves died so close together.

    A new video shows a mother orca teaching her calves how to hunt

    I should say, that the article I read suggested this was the first time that it had been seen, but the below clip is from several years ago. Even so, it is fascinating to see a mother actively teaching her offspring how to hunt/

    Orca have been seen, for the first time off Chile, hunting dolphins

    As can be seen from the video above, orca are known to hunt and eat dolphins in various places around the world. However, this behaviour has never been seen in this population, so they had to work out how to do it for themselves. While in the past they have been filmed eating sea lions (and using local boats to hide their approach), they have now been filmed hunting dusky dolphins.

    The study was looking at the eating habits of orcas in the southern hemisphere, so as to be able to conserve them more effectively. It suggests that Chile Orca are turning to these food-sources. While Orca have been filmed harrasing or even killing porpoises and dolphins, this is the first time that they have been filmed eating them.

    Orca facing uncertain future as the marine zoo shuts

    Marineland Antibese near Cannes France, is shutting, after the French government brought in more strict rules of their care. The law was passed in 2021, but comes into force in 2026. It is thought that 90% of the visitors come to see the killer whales and other dolphins, so without them they are not viable.

    It is unclear as to what will happen with the Orca. They are from Icelandic waters, but having spent so much time in captivity, would not be able to look after themselves in the wild. A deal had been made to send them to a Japanese park, but there was outcry as their treatment would be worse, so the French government blocked it. There is another zoo in the Canary islands. A facility in Eastern Canada has suggested netting off around 40 hectares of a sea bay for them, where they could live out their lives, in relative comfort, and yet still be looked after by a team of vets and other carers.

    Something similar has happened before. Keiko was the orca from the film Free Willy, and was rescued from captivity in 1996 and released into a similar bay in Iceland in 1998. Having spent more time in the wild, though he was able to relearn some skills and in 2002 he left with some wild orca. He swam to Norway, but unfortunately died from an infection in 2003.

    The odd job of a pangolin carer

    Have you heard of a pangolin? Would you recognize one? For many people, the pangolin is unfortunately known, only as a family of species, which have been poached for their scales (made of keratin, and with no medicinal basis) such that of the 8 species, half are endangered and the other half critically endangered. Click on any of the mentions of pangolin on this page to be taken to our pangolin family species page. This poaching is so extreme, that some estimate that this family of species are the most trafficked in the world.

    Pangolin are very hard to take care of, which is why there are so few in zoos around the world. Indeed, the vast majority of even wildlife guides in somewhere like the Kruger have never seen a pangolin, even if they are known to exist in the park. A pangolin carers job, is to look after a pangolin, take it into the bush, and find places with many ants and termites, and generally get it ready to return to the wild.

    An incredibly rare sighting of a pangolin within the Kruger national park
    Continue reading “The odd job of a pangolin carer”

    Restoring a DRC reserve from a ‘triangle of death’ back into a thriving wildlife reserve

    Upemba national park had virtually all its large mammals poached, but it is coming back (below is a 3 minute video about this decline).

    Just a couple of years ago, 16 members of the Bakata Katanga militia suprised a party of 4 rangers within the park (close to the Upemba base camp). Lying in the south-east of the DRC, this reserve once teamed with life. Tens of thousands of elephants, alongside lins zebra and many other species roamed free.

    Continue reading “Restoring a DRC reserve from a ‘triangle of death’ back into a thriving wildlife reserve”

    New snake species has arrived in the UK, after long absence should it be allowed to stay?

    Aesculapian snakes are a new species to the UK, but are found in europe. Does that mean that it should be exterminated, It is having a problem in Europe, as temperatures are getting too high for it to thrive.

    It is not actually new to the UK! Indeed, while it has been locally extinct for 300,000 years, its relatives have continued to live in Europe. It was lost from the UK in the last ice age, as being a cold blooded animal, it was unable to survive.

    It should be noted, that it is around 14,000 years ago that the mammoth was lost from the UK, so our country would have likely been quite different. Still, as it was only lost from here, it is hard to argue that its introduction would damage the UK.

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