Gros morne national park on the island of Newfoundland, Canada

Gros Morne national park on the island of Newfoundland, Canada

A variety of habitats including fjords high plateaus as well as coastal lowlands and wooded mountains, support 14 different speeches of land mammal which include black bears lynx caribou and Arctic hare

Rocky mountains, USA

Rocky mountains, USA

This chain of mountains forms an almost unbroken line from Alaska down almost the entire length of West America the Canadian Rockies (listed separately) is the most northern area of this range. Predators in this range include grizzly bears, elk, mule deer, mountain caribou, grey wolves, lynx, and wolverines. Indeed, this range has provided a corridor for returning species such as wolves, and the last refuge for animals like grizzly bears.

Wyoming has a very backwards hunting policy, whereby all wolves within Yellowstone are protected, but as soon as they step outside the boundary they are fair game. 200 to 400 of them live outside the reserve, and if these wolves are lost it could threaten the entire population.

Georgian bay Islands national park, Canada

Georgian bay Islands national park, Canada


This park stretches along the Eastern shoreline of the bay and is made up of 59 small islands and shoals- a part of the 30,000 Island archipelago which is the largest group of freshwater islands in the world.


Land base mammal species here include whitetail deer, moose, black bear, coyote, timber wolf, links, bobcat, porcupine, raccoon, beaver, red and Gray fox, chipmunk and red squirrel


Great Bear lake, Canada

Great Bear lake, Canada

Great Bear lake is the largest lake in Canada, and drains to the west into the Great Bear river which in turn flows into Canada’s longest river the MacKenzie, which flows into the Beaufort sea. The shoreline of the lake supports a wide variety of wildlife including elk pine Martin as well as  grizzly bear (hence the park’s name)

Nahanni national park, Canada

Nahanni national park, Northwest territories, Canada

This protects a portion of the Mackenzie mountains natural range, the centipede of this area is the South nahani river, and there are four noteworthy canyons reaching as much as a kilometre reading depth (imaginatively cold first second third and fourth canyon).

The park includes sulphur hot springs alpine tundra mountain reigned jays and forests of both spruce and Aspen. Mammal species include black bears timberwolves moose shrew vole arctic ground squirrel marmot mink beaver pine mart in links snowshoe hare, river otter muskrat and red fox. Notable birds include the American kestrel bold and golden eagles loons rednecks Greece sharp skinned hawks and trumpeter swans. 

Bracken cave bat roost San Antonio Texas, USA

Bracken cave bat roost San Antonio Texas, USA

Bats have lived in this cave since the last ice age around 10 millennia ago. Today during the summer and enormous number of Mexican freetailed bats have their young in this cave. While most of them live in Texas a Mexico they roam as far south as central Chile and as far north as the southern states of the USA.

This cave contains the biggest concentration (known about) of mammals on earth with around 20 million Mexican freetailed bats arriving each spring. The colony eats an astounding 15,000 tons of insects each summer.

Watching the huge swirl of that exting the cave each evening is an incredible site.

Horseshoe crabs Delaware bay

Horseshoe crabs Delaware bay

At the mouth of the Delaware river with New Jersey to the northeast and Delaware to the South and West Delaware bay. This area is the biggest spawning ground of the horseshoe crab. Bizarrelyi this is an ancient creature that evolved 500 million years ago, and his barely changed in the last 350 million years. As a result, it can quite accurately be referred to as a living fossil.

They grow up to 50 centimeters in length covered with a hard curved shell they have a dozen or so mainly Claude legs and gills allowing to them breed to breathe both underwater and for brief periods in the air. The tale is not a weapon and appears to have a primary purpose of writing itself after it turns over accidentally. Extremely valuable in medical research, much of what we know about eye function and malfunction is as a result of studying these large compound eyes. They also have an incredible immune system which traps bacteria in a clot of gel-like substance. Blood samples are taken so as to test for intravenous drugs and finding remedies for diseases of becoming immune to antibiotics. In fact all intravenous drugs have been tested in horseshoe crabs while the horse shoe crabs are left unharmed.

These crabs eggs are an important part of the local food chain with migratory birds stopping off for top-up. In particular the red knot which flyers from Brazil to the Arctic each spring arrive at their lowest weight and fill up on these eggs. It should be noted that in recent times these birds have halved in number as a result of declined in the crabs which fishermen have been using as bait – thankfully due to human effort this human caused decline, appears to be coming to an end.

Wood buffalo national park, Canada

Wood buffalo national park, Canada

This park was created specifically to protect North America’s largest free roaming bison herd which numbers around 2,500 animals. It is also the home of the only known nesting site of the whooping crane. It is the largest of Canada’s national parks, a boreal forest covering almost 45,000 square kilometres or over 17,000 square miles. Its habitats include forested uplands, a glacier road in plateau, a major freshwater delta formed by three rivers comet salt planes and some of the best examples of karst topography in North America. There is also a certain amount of native subsistence use and has been inhabited since the glaciers retreated most recently by the nomadic Mikisew first nation groups. The 47 species of mammal found in the area include caribou, arctic fox, black bear, moose beaver and muskrat; there have also been 227 bird species recorded which include peregrine falcon, bold evil eagle Great eagle and snowy owls. The bison are self regulating, and is one of the few places in the world where wolves control the population of bison. The whooping crane population is only 140 strong from which there are 40 breeding pairs. Management of this area and they’re breeding area in Texas are likely to have protected them from going extinct.

Glacier bay national park, gulf of Alaska

Glacier bay national park, gulf of Alaska

Covering 13,000 square kilometres or 8000 square miles, the park contains the largest group of high peaks on the continent, the largest icefield outside the polar caps and 16 huge tidewater glaciers- producing large numbers of icebergs each year. 

Vegetation varies from alpine tundra to coastal forests and even some temperate forests. Both black and grizzly bears, mountain goat moustia wolves and dar sheep can be found here. Sea life around here includes humpback whales, orcas, sea lions, sea otters and a variety of birds.

Florida Everglades

Florida Everglades

The Florida Everglades national park protects a part of the original Everglades (around 20%), with about a further original 30% surviving outside. The Everglades national park encompasses about 1.5 million acres or 2300 square miles (6000 square km).


It is the largest protected area in the southeastern United States, and his made up of a marshy landscape. It is created by slow moving water from the Orlando kissimmer river system.


It is most well known for the alligators and American crocodiles which live there but otherb wildlife includes birds such as egret spoonbills wood stalks and herons, the endangered manatee can also be seen along the coast and it’s estuaries. It’s also famous for the Florida panther which is a type of North American cougar, there are also black bears and bobcats as well as otters and a wide variety of storks egrets and other kind of birds. The main road running through the park is often referred to as alligator alley because of the hundreds of these animals you will see driving along it.


A variety of walking trails long distance hiking routes canoe and air vote tours mean that people can explore this landscape in a variety of ways



See Animals Wild