Wood buffalo national park, Canada

This park was created specifically to protect North America’s largest free roaming bison herd which numbers around 2,500 animals. It is also the home of the only known nesting site of the whooping crane. It is the largest of Canada’s national parks, a boreal forest covering almost 45,000 square kilometres or over 17,000 square miles. Its habitats include forested uplands, a glacier road in plateau, a major freshwater delta formed by three rivers comet salt planes and some of the best examples of karst topography in North America. There is also a certain amount of native subsistence use and has been inhabited since the glaciers retreated most recently by the nomadic Mikisew first nation groups. The 47 species of mammal found in the area include caribou, arctic fox, black bear, moose beaver and muskrat; there have also been 227 bird species recorded which include peregrine falcon, bold evil eagle Great eagle and snowy owls. The bison are self regulating, and is one of the few places in the world where wolves control the population of bison. The whooping crane population is only 140 strong from which there are 40 breeding pairs. Management of this area and they’re breeding area in Texas are likely to have protected them from going extinct.

See Animals Wild