Florida Everglades

The Florida Everglades national park protects a part of the original Everglades (around 20%), with about a further original 30% surviving outside. The Everglades national park encompasses about 1.5 million acres or 2300 square miles (6000 square km).


It is the largest protected area in the southeastern United States, and his made up of a marshy landscape. It is created by slow moving water from the Orlando kissimmer river system.


It is most well known for the alligators and American crocodiles which live there but otherb wildlife includes birds such as egret spoonbills wood stalks and herons, the endangered manatee can also be seen along the coast and it’s estuaries. It’s also famous for the Florida panther which is a type of North American cougar, there are also black bears and bobcats as well as otters and a wide variety of storks egrets and other kind of birds. The main road running through the park is often referred to as alligator alley because of the hundreds of these animals you will see driving along it.


A variety of walking trails long distance hiking routes canoe and air vote tours mean that people can explore this landscape in a variety of ways



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