In the shadow of man-kind, Rubbish pun

Going to a national park to see wild animals in distant places, can often be the holiday of a lifetime. These trips are essential,to give a financial incentive for the hosting countries to look after their wildlife.

However, in much of the world there is not vast national parks where humans are absent. In much of the world wild animals live alongside humans. While it is true, that lion and elephant are rarely animals that people tolerate living nearby roaming free, there are still fascinating and often exciting animals living amongst us.

For those who’ve read Jane goodalls original book, you will have recognised the title. In the shadow of Man tells the early days of the chimpanzee study Jane Goodall mantas in Gombe stream Tanzania. While when she first arrived, the rainforest around Gombe stream stretched in all directions, by the time she wrote through a window, the sequel, Gombe stream was an island of forest surrounded by human expansion.

The aim of this section is to provide an extra source of income for those who hosts wild animals,and at the same time a chance to get a truly wild encounter for the person visiting. My hope is to make financial value of these little island wilderness years too high for them to be destroyed. Imagine a situation, where are a South African farmer puts up a small cottage somewhere on their land and people can pay to come and use it, to see the cheetah that he shares his farm with. All he needs to do is escort them to the ‘guest house’, explain any safety precautions, and then get on with his main job. At the end of the period, perhaps the next morning, he escorts them back off his land, and has pocketed a decent amount of money for very little work. In this world, if the cheetah occasionally kills some of his livestock, he now has an income to give him compensation for the loss.

This currently only has a few uk links, however hopefully it will spread fast. Do contact me if you have an place you would like to list

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