What is the purpose of the american governmental body the EPA – Vote Trump out or it will fail

For the majority of people around the world, the EPA or Environmental Protection Agency, has a clearly defined mission. Indeed right up until Donald Trump became president it was clear to everyone.

However a number of ex officials of the Trump EPA are saying that at the moment the EPA seems to be at war with the environment. Given trumps continual “I want crystal clear water and air” this seems particularly galling.

Under the Trump administration many health and environment rules have been rolled back. To be clear, the damage done by companies how these rules are gone, will not be paid for by them. Under the previous system, a company breaking the rules will have to pay for the cleanup- who will now? NO ONE. This means that the population of the USA will have dirtier air and water and will pay with many thousands of lives. Any cleanup that now has to be done, must be paid for directly by the citizens not those responsible.

It is not a Democrat move to protect the environment, the EPA was founded under a Republican administration. As such, how has Trump in 4 short years managed to make caring about the environment something that republicans should hate.

It is true that many things in business costs more if it is done without damaging the environment. However, at the same time of moving the cost of cleanup, off the companies responsible, he has also given them a huge tax cut – so the public is paying twice.

Donald Trump has made it clear from his dislike of science that facts do not matter to him. Unfortunately they do matter in the real world. For the sake of your children and future generations (if your own survival is not important) you must remove him.

While the policies that Joe Biden has promised to enact are a step forwards they are of course not perfect, however they are a good first step in the right direction. Both the USA and the world cannot cope with another 4 years inaction on pollution, and the cost of fighting climate change will be exorbitant, if it is indeed not to late – after a second Trump term.

Americans might say that as a Brit, I have no say. While I think that Donald Trump has a stupid position (I am entitled to give my opinion, it is up to you to decide whether you agree) on many internal matters, and US citizens will do better with anyone else, the more important fact is that as a UK resident, if inaction on global warming causes the seas to rise, my home country will be hit hard, so I feel that is my business. Please act in your own self interest and citizens from around the world that will be hurt if Trumps inaction is allowed to continue for another 4 years.

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