Species watch
All species are important, often reintroductions have failed because a small unnoticed animal was missed. Over time, we will amass pages for as many species as possible. However, just as important is seeing how species are closely related. As such as well as looking at species from a specific ecosystem or family, we will also include family trees of many of the families on earth. It should be noted, that this is to help you find wildlife you wish to see, so will never link to every species. In either way, these links to these will be placed at the top.
Mammal family tree
Wild cat family
Wild dog family
Primate family
African Savannah
Bear family tree
Antelope family tree
Bovini or cattle family tree
Equidae: Genus for horses (horses, donkeys and zebra)
Cervidae family (deer) here red deer
Camelid family (camels and Llamas)
Elephant family
Hippo family
Rhino family
Pinnipeds: Seals, Sealions, Fur Seals and walruses
Crocodiles, Alligators, Caimans, Gharials, False Gharials
Birds general
Genus Aptenodytes
Not threatened
256,000 breeding pairs
Flightless birds
Predatory birds
sea, water birds and waders
Mid to small birds
Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises Species
Shark Species
Tiger - all subspecies
Lion - all subspecies
Leopard - all subspecies
Clouded Leopard & Sunda Clouded Leopard
Snow Leopard
Cheetah - all subspecies
Lynx family (this is the Eurasian Lynx)
Sumatran Orangutan
African hunting dog
arctic fox
polar bear
Bear species (the rest of the family)
Red panda
Hyrax family tree (yellow spotted hyrax)
Sus or pig family
bee eater familly
Vulture family tree
Hedgehog - European hedgehog and family
Hamster family (Turkish hamster )
Elephant shrew (western rock elephant shrew)
Beaver species
Common vole (possibly vole family in future)
Domestic goats and Ibex family
Naked mole rat family
Mexican ground squirrel and the ground squirrel family
Large treeshrew photo credit Daderot CC0 1.0
Rat family (brown rat)
Pangolin family
Eagle family
Owl family