Uk has just signed you energy infrastructure with Africa and despite Boris Johnson’s promises where do you think the majority of it went

More than 90% of this 2 billion pounds energy infrastructure deal that the UK has done in Africa over the last week is in oil and gas extraction. Boris Johnson open the summit talking about how we breathe the same air and how the climate emergency means we must stop business as usual as carbon emissions heat the planet.

1.2 billion pounds of this will be spent on oil production in Kenya with the majority of the rest going to Tunisia Morocco and Nigeria fossil fuel projects. Just 8% or 161 million pounds went to to green projects being split between a new solar farm in Kenya and the solar powered irrigation pumps in Uganda.

We are supposed to be hosting un global climate summit in Glasgow this coming November. You would think that the government would therefore be working towards the cleanest deals possible. This is an embarrassment to the UK and I hope that come November that is clear.

Guardian to ban fossil fuel advertising

Given the forward thinking of the Guardian on environmental issues, we would would be reasonable to suppose that they had put a ban on fossil fuel advertising in place a significant time ago.

However they have now put this ban in place. If bans on fossil fuel advertising are replicated in other parts of the economy this could possibly accelerates the end of fossil fuels anyway.

I suppose as the saying goes better late than never ( it’s alarming to say that about a newspaper that is leading the way but these moves should have occurred a decade ago as the science became clear)

Have the heartland Institute discovered the anti Greta thurnburg?

The heartland Institute is pushing forward a young woman named Naomi Seibt as a counter to Greta Thunberg. I am intentionally not including a photo. One is easily found but who it is, is irrelevant. The Heartland institute has recognised how powerful Greta Thurnbergs mesage has been over the last few years and is trying to line up someone against her that looks similar. Don’t be taken in, this is a young person arguing for the status quo to be retained, but with no knowledge or facts on her side. The Heartland institute is well known for pushing dubious or blatantly false arguments, and frankly anyone they like would be someone that I would not take seriously.

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