Donald Trump’s wall will cause the extinction of the American jaguar

I have written about this in the past, but this last week there was an article in the guardian newspaper. In it it talks about this region of Arizona, and it’s “sky Islands” upper reaches of mountains that are left undisturbed, allowing wildlife to thrive.

El Jefe possibly the only Jaguar to spend most of his time in the USA, Jaguars are a natural part of the ecosystem of southern USA. Building this fence along the border will not stop humans crossing, but it will kill off the ability of Jaguars to reclaim their former range

This is a fascinating region of the world, as it is the only natural place where grizzlies and wolves from North America, meet with ocelots and jaguars-more commonly seen in the dense rainforest of the Amazon.

If all of trump’s contracts for wall building are completed, they will cut off 93% of the jaguars territory.

This cannot be completed by hand over, however pressure is being me to make as much progress as possible. The wall all is currently being put up at about a mile a day.

It should also be noted that in many places the wall passes through areas specifically set aside as wildlife refuges.

It is insane, in a so-called democracy, that Trump has been able to do this despite Congress blocking appropriations for its building.

A number of American groups have been working hard to recover the ecological niche that the sky Islands give, but all of this will be ruined.

It should be noted that this wall of Trump’s breaks more than 30 laws.these include the endangered species act and the national environmental protection plan.However because Trump is behind it these have been waived to allow the building to take place.

While the wall is made of slats,and the ocelots may well be able to continue to cross between the two countries, the majority of wildlife will not and therefore both fragmented populations will become far more liable to localised extinction.

We can only hope that once Joe Biden has taken office, he reverses some of these perverse and stupid decisions. Apart from anything, given the ease that has been demonstrated about how easy it is to get through or over this barrier, the only thing the barrier is going to do is to destroy this ecosystem. It is perhaps fitting that one of the last moves of Donald Trump as president will be something pointless, unlikely necessary for his successor to undo.

Big cats moving between reserves

In the West, the idea of living alongside lion or leopard might be terrifying, but for many people in parts of Africa and Asia it’s just a way of life.

In many parts of India, the tiger reserves are far too small. If the tigers would just stay in their own reserves, without human intervention the population will fall rapidly as a lack of genetic variability I will leave the population incapable fighting off illness.

Across many areas of Africa, leopard still live far outside protected reserves. Being secretive, and spending the days hiding, they are more capable of sharing the landscape with humans than lion
Continue reading “Big cats moving between reserves”

India’s tiger population has doubled in 12 years but other countries have not done so well

Back in 2010 the world’s tiger countries came together for a conference and declared a goal that by the next year of the tiger (falling in 2022) they would aid to have doubled the population of wild living tigers.

A wild tiger in India, roaming the national park of Rathambore

This was a hugely ambitious target and as you can imagine results have been decidedly mixed.

Continue reading “India’s tiger population has doubled in 12 years but other countries have not done so well”

Are financial institutions around the world supporting pangolin poaching?

In the wild there are 8 pangolin species, 4 in Asia and 4 in Africa. The country you that is best known for using pangolin scales in ancient history is China, and while these days officially this no longer happens there is still a large portion of the wealthy elite who has until recently continued to use it. Doesn’t it seem weird that a family of animals called pangolins, until recently largely unknown in the West, could be push towards extinction for medicine that has been shown time and again to do nothing at all.

Pangolin are easily picked up by poachers, as a threat causes them to roll up in a ball. This is a tree pangolin, some species are much larger, all are rare and threatened with extinction.
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Governments of 14 countries, which together account for 40% of the world’s coasts pledge to reduce overfishing

These 14 countries have promised to do a number of things, which combined should lead to our fish populations being in the far better health.

We have become so efficient fishers, we can remove entire populations in a few hours

They include

1 Ending Over-fishing

2 Restoring fishing stocks

3 Halting the flow of plastic into our oceans

One of the main ways they will hold the overfishing, is by ceasing to pay subsidies two companies for their over fishing practices (it seems odd any countries doing this in the first place).

They have also promised that by 2025 and these practices in their own area of sea that they control. Despite only being 14 countries, these areas of jurisdiction, add up to an area of see the size of Africa.

Researchers have found that sustainably managed oceans could provide up to 6 times as much food as they currently do. They have also found,perhaps as you’d expect given the above, that for every dollar invested in making the oceans more sustainable, pay back in environmental social and health is around $5.

It was also pointed out that one fifth of the carbon reductions needed by the human race, could come from the sea. This would be both by direct carbon capture, for instance as whales grow, and on death they will often carry the carbon down to the sea where it can be buried by sediment.However the scene naturally also absorbs carbon, and of course worldwide we could erect hundreds of millions of wind turbines, allowing the world to run on carbon free electricity.

This is an encouraging pledge, but we must keep these countries paying attention and make sure they fulfill their promise.

Wildlife photographer vs wildlife watcher

I have some wonderful wild pictures. Indeed, when the shop on this site is reformed, I hope to list some of them. I have a reasonably good camera and when this website starts generating some revenue, I would like to buy a better one.

However, I don’t think I would ever consider myself as wildlife photographer. When I have the animals in front of me of course I want to get good shots of them, however for me it is more important to experience that moment with them.

Continue reading “Wildlife photographer vs wildlife watcher”

False beliefs about electric cars

According to various survey done only in the last 2 years, there is still in astounding array of misunderstanding.

A British survey conducted in 2018 found that 42% of participants thought that you couldn’t drive a battery electric vehicle through a car wash, an alarming statistic given that by 2030 Boris Johnson the current prime minister of Britain has said that fossil fuel cars will be banned from sale – in 10 years the British government must not only ban fossil fuel cars, but convince the British public that the electric car is going to be able to cope with a simple things that’s being driven through a car wash (though I person who finds this statistic alarming, why wouldn’t you- it is after all all, an item designed to live outside).

Continue reading “False beliefs about electric cars”

Live sightings map coming soon

Apologies for the pause in articles going up, I have been concentrating on creating a wildlife sightings board. This should be able to go up in the next week or so.

Obviously, we will hide any sightings that become necessary if poaching becomes an issue once again.

The idea of the Sightings map, is to give everyone the knowledge that the wildlife guides have. By looking at where specific animals have been spotted in the past, you can get an understanding of their usual movements and make sure you are looking in the right place.

The first Live sightings board will be for the Limpopo transfrontier part of Kruger Mozambique and Zimbabwe. When it is safe for travel to resume, I have also listed a number of places to stay within this vast ecosystem. I hope to add to this list over time.

I am hoping that sightings maps will become standard on all destinations – so long as poaching isn’t an issue. I am also intending to extend this to in the shadow of man locations, though in these places the map will likely be behind a pay wall. While this will not be a big fee, as anyone can enter these areas, I do not want the maps to become a way for wildlife to be bothered

European beaver numbers now above 1 million growing across Europe

Across Europe during the middle ages beavers were heavily persecuted. Between the demand for their pelts and scent glands, and the flooding may caused, they were hunted for the financial incentives or merely for the problems they caused.

Apart from the tourism they can generate, as ecosystem engineers they are important to allow the habitat to work as it should, as well as being very effective anti-flooding defences

The problem is that rapidly it becomes apparent the good they did in the places that they have been lost from. Flash floods become far more common, and other times of the year droughts. Water quality reduces dramatically, and biodiversity along the riverbank is harmed.

Continue reading “European beaver numbers now above 1 million growing across Europe”
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