Bali wildlife

Bali wildlife

While Bali is well known for its extinct animals, there are still an interesting variety of living ones. Famous lost animals include tigers, rhino and even leopards.

Living species include squirrels, Asian palm civets, a variety of bats, a crab eating mechanics and Javan languars although they are rarely spotted. One of the most well-known wilderness is the west Bali national park. There are impressive coral reefs around the coast and these host a wide variety of marine life including Hawksbill turtles giant sunfish giant manta rays giant Moray eels bumper head parrot fish hammerhead sharks reef sharks barracuda and sea snakes. Dolphins are commonly encountered along the North coast. Scientists catalogues 952 types of reef fish and 393 coral species.

As with many precious places with wildlife, if visiting Bali make sure that you do something which shows that you value wildlife surviving. We hope over time to have some ideas

aaa Yala park, Sri Lanka

Yala park, Sri Lanka

It is the most visited and second largest national park in Sri Lanka bordering the Indian Ocean. It is also boarded by two other parks which mean it creates a relatively large protected area. There are 44 species of mammal in the park including the Sri lankan elephant. It has one of the highest densities of leopards in the world, alongside sloth bears and white buffaloes. Toque macaques, golden palm civets, and fishing cats also live here. The results of a variety of 47 species of reptile 18 species of amphibian and 70 different wild birds species.

Ranthambore national park, India

Ranthambore national park, India

One of the biggest and most well-known national parks in northern India, it was once a former Hunting grounds of the maharajas of jaipur. It is considered one of the best places in India to see wild tigers.

This reserve hosts a wide variety of mammals including tigers, leopards, striped Hain as, sambar deer, chital deer, nilgai, common or hunan languages, macaques, jackals, jungle cats, caracls, sloth bears, black box, Indian wild boar, common palms of it, desert cats, five striped palm squirrels, Indian flying foxes, Indian mole rats, Indian porcupines, ratel’s, small Indian mongoose, small Indian civics and common mongoose. There are also a fascinating range of reptiles including marsh crocodiles, snub nose as marsh crocodiles, desert monitor lizards, tortoise, cobras, Indian pythons, rat snakes, Russell’s vipers, saw-scaled vipers and the Indian chameleon.

Uluru-kata-Tjuta national park, Australia

Uluru-kata-Tjuta national park, Australia

Covering more than 500 square miles this national park is not small. Uluru, or Ayers rock, is the most well-known landmark in the northern Territories and arguably the whole of Australia. This huge sandstone rock is 348 metres high and has a total circumference of 9.4 kilometres.

Animals found in the local area include red kangaroos, dingoes , hopping mice, horses, camels , the thorny devil and many other reptile species as well as a host of birds. Including flocks of zebra finches black faced woodswallows and little woodswallows, along with white plumed honeyeaters, grey headed honeyeaters and various budgies species.

Galapogos Islands, Ecuador

Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

Made famous by the evolutionary theory Charles Darwin formed well there, this small island has some fascinating wildlife.

Sea lions, Galapagos penguins, giant tortoises, great white sharks, leatherback turtles and even sei whales can be seen. It is currently an ecosystem under threat from illegal fishing and non-native species, as well as the huge demands that 160,000 tourists visiting each year will put on a place. Nevertheless it remains a fascinating place to visit

El yunque national forest, Puerto Rico

El yunque national forest, Puerto Rico

The only tropical rainforest in the USA national forest system, it isn’t particularly large, only covering an area around 50 square miles; however it is also one of the most biologically diverse.

There are multiple species of hummingbird that live in the forests, along with a Puerto Rican woodpecker and parrot. There are 11 different species of lizard within the reserve. There are 9 species of bat, which is the only native mammal species left on Puerto Rico. Small Indian mongooses also live in the reserve having been introduced from their home in 1877.

Cliffs of Moher, Ireland

Cliffs of Moher, Ireland



These cliffs run for about 14 km and at their southernmost point rise to a height of 214 m. Made of Namurian shale and sandstone, the geology of the area is quite fascinating for those who are interested.


From a wildlife point of view, during peak season there are an estimated 30,000 pairs of birds living on the cliff from as many as 20 different species. This includes Atlantic puffins. Land based mammals include feral goats foxes badges at the Irish hair along with a variety of farm cattle.


The waters be on the cliffs have a wide range of sea life including grey seals purposes dolphins minke whales and basking sharks as well as occasionally sunfish.


aaa The black forest, Germany

The black forest, Germany

This is a large forested mountain range in southwest Germany boarded by the Rhine valley to the west and close to the borders with France and Switzerland. Both the source of the Danube and Nekar river is in this mountain range. With a length of around 100 miles at an area of over 2,300 square miles it is a significant patch of wilderness.

With wolves just returning to the country, their migration into the black forest is only just beginning. Indeed, while in recent years it was known that there were a couple of lone males in the reserve, a lone female has recently been seen – suggesting that it is highly likely young wolf cubs will arrive in the next few years. Other than the wolves there are boar, lynx, otters, foxes, red and roe deer and a variety of other animals.

Bay of Fundy national park, Canada

Bay of Fundy national park, Canada



The park covers 207 square kilometres of Atlantic coastline and can claim the highest tides in the world up to 12 metres tall. There are more than 100 km of hiking and biking trails through the area.


In terms of wildlife there are a range of Canadian animals including lynx beavers, various squirrels, snowshoe hare, North American porcupine, Eastern coyote, black bear,and a handful of others.


The Maldives, Indian Ocean

The Maldives, Indian Ocean

As you would expect the Republic of the Maldives is not entirely protected. However being made up of more than a thousand Islands some of which are tiny coral Islands there are interesting fauna all over the place.

Apart from geckos, lizards and skinks found on the islands, Daryl so yellow bellied sea snakes, green turtles, leatherback turtles and Hawksbill turtles are found in the coastal waters.

There are a variety of birds coming from Eurasia. Dolphins, sharks and whales are all found in these waters including the largest blue whale. Whale sharks are also found here along with stingrays meant to raise and various other fascinating fish species.

While there are large tourist areas within the Maldives that don’t have anything to do with tourism there is also a huge amount of wildlife around the Islands. Even if you go for a relaxing holiday, one afternoon of your time seeing some of the local wildlife can make it clear how important it is to protect it into the future. It is one of the Nations most at threat from rising sea levels as much of the country it’s 2.4 or less metres above the water. Of course while fish would survive rising sea levels, corals are usually very sensitive to depth and therefore much of the wildlife here might not survive.

See Animals Wild