The current wild population of giraffes is around 68,000 and has fallen by 40% in the last 35 years. For perspective, that means that there are roughly four elephants for every giraffe (and Elephants have been listed as endangered on the appendix 1 of the cites list back in 1976).
It is clear that this decision does not take a lot of study. As in other fields, science in the USA has become political, it is no longer possible to do a scientific study and then to do what it’s suggest is the right course of action.
It is an odd position for a party that considers itself conservative, to ignore science. Certainly in the past, presidents such as Ronald Reagan would have been horrified to see the scientific illiteracy, put forward by the party today.
Over the last 10 years, it found that 40000 giraffe parts were imported into the USA. Furthermore 3700 trophies where imported during the same period,-more than one a day on average. In America giraffes aware being turned into boots and pillow cases and even Bible covers (I find it hard to understand that one, how can someone who believes in God feel its reasonable to financial encourage its extinction).
It should also be noted that while we talk about 1 species of giraffe, there are actually four (with 5 subspecies recognized amongst these 4 species). Some of these giraffe species and subspecies are highly threatened with extinction.
In the time with tramp, the world has got used to America making scientific pronunciations that are utterly absurd. We must not stop calling attention to this, Americans of conscience and scientific understanding must stand up and make their voices heard.