Bovidae family (including Aegodontia &Boodontia & Caprinae) or Antelope family tree

Bovidae family (including Aegodontia &Boodontia) or Antelope family tree

Antelope lie in the Bovidae family, and account for around 2/3 of the 135 Bovidae species that exist in the world. It should be noted that deer come from the family Cervidae, which means that despite looking extremely similar, antelope are more closely related to cattle than they are to deer.

There are 91 antelope species in the world with 72 found in Africa, 14 in Asia, with the last 5 found in Eastern Europe.

There are 8 subfamilies in Africa

1. Subfamily Bovinae

Spiral horned antelopes made up of tribe Tragelaphini: 9 species 4 subspecies.

2. Subfamily Reduncinae

Rhebok, reedbucks, and waterbucks 8 Species, 11 Subspecies

3. Subfamily Peleinae:

 1 Species

4. Subfamily Alcelaphinae


Sassabies, hartebeests, and wildebeests: 6 Species (depending on how you count, it can be anywhere from 6 to 10) , 19 Subspecies

5. Subfamily Hippotraginae

Grazing antelope: 7 Species, 4 Subspecies

6. Subfamily Aepycerotinae

Impala: 1 Species which is impala, 2 Subspecies

8. Subfamily Cephalophinae

 Duiker: 17 Species, 7 Subspecies

If you want to return to the Ruminants family page click here


The Caprinae family is a close relation of Alcelaphinae & Hippotraginae (subfamily 4 and 5 on this page) but this family consists of the worlds goats and sheep.

This consists of 9 genus with just 1 species in each (and one further extinct so not included here) and then 5 genus with more than that. 

Firstly dealing with each genus with only one species.

Next the Capra genus, which consists of the worlds Ibex species

Next the Ovis family (sheep species)

Two species of Chamois remain

The second last group is the Serow (6 species)

The last group is the Goral

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