The Pantanal is an incredibly wilderness, however, the Paraguay river is planned to be turned into a water way and build ports. I have included 2 videos for you to look at (depending on how much time you have). The video above is around 4 minutes, while the below is a full documentary 50 minutes.
Continue reading “Plans to turn the Pantanal into a waterway, will destroy this wilderness”Big cat family tree
The Cat (felidae) family tree
The Cats form an incredibly successful family. It is true that they are missing from the polar regions, and Australasia, but everywhere that they reached they have been successful, and in many ecosystems they are the undisputed kings
Panthera Family
This family split from hte Felid ancestor 10.8 million years ago. There have been some debate as to whether the two species of clouded leopards should be included in Panthera. On the circular mammal tree (which we are using – look in the species watch tab, or click here)
They are generally included in a subgenus Panthera_Neofilis
Bay cat Familiy
Bay cat ancestor split 9.4 milion years ago
Caracal Family
Caracal Ancestor split 8.5 million years ago
Ocelot Family
Ocelot Ancestor 2.9 million years ago
Lynx Family
Lynx Ancestor 3.2 million years ago
Puma Family
Puma ancestor 4.9 million years ago
Leopard cat Family
Leopard cat Ancestor 5.9 million year ago
Domestic cat Family
Domestic cat Ancestor

Cougar (Puma, mountain-lion, Catamount even Panther)

Cougar, Puma or mountain-lion
For most classifications, the cougar misses out on being a big cat, as it does not have the vocal structure to roar, as the others do.
It is largely solitary, and is generally a nocturnal or crepuscular cat (that is active at night or in the early morning and late evening). They have been persecuted since the colonization of north America by the Europeans, which has lead to patchy coverage. The Eastern Cougar is extinct, except for a sub-population called the Florida Panther which is isolated from any other Cougars. It is in better state in the west of the USA. In Southern and central America, it is still found in every country. In fact, it holds a classification of being the most widespread mammal to be found in the Western hemisphere.
It is a close relative of the Cheetah, which is believed to have initially evolved in the USA before migrating into Asia and Africa. The only animal which shares the same clade is the jaguarundi is the cougar, though the larger family called a Lineage and does include the cheetah
World maps: explore
This website aims to make it easy for those living with wildlife, and those who would like to see it, to find each other. Where-ever the wildlife, if the local people do not benefit it will not survive. Please note, on some computers these maps can take 10 seconds to load.
Explore the worlds wilds, through the map above (each country contains a list of any wild areas within it – world maps for each fo these can be found at the top of the page -“wild places, “shadow of mankind”, “Hides”, “Future places” & “sightings board”), or the species in the expandable section below. Add your destinations, by clicking on “list your wild”. Scroll down to read our latest wild news.
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Kirk’s Dikdik
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Lowland Anoa
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Mhorr Gazelle
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Mountain Anoa
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Sable antelope
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Soemmerings gazelle
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Tsessebe (Topi Sasseby and Tiang)
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blue wildebeest
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scimitar oryx
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Thompsons gazelle
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Southern Red (formerlly known as the Indian muntjac) Muntjac photo credit Richard Fuller CC0
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Sperm whale
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pygmy sperm whale
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True’s beaked whale
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Atlantic spotted dolphin photo credit NOAA southeast Fisheries science center
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Amazon river dolphin by Oceancetaceen sometimes known as the Orinoco
Read More Cetaceans, Mammal, Speciesaaa Pantanal Biosphere Reserve which includes Chapada dos Guimarães, Serra da Bodoquena, Pantanal Matogrossense, and Emas national parks
Pantanal Biosphere reserve, including Chapada dos Guimarães, Serra da Bodoquena, Pantanal Matogrossense, and Emas national parks.

Pantanal Biosphere reserve covers 725 square miles of land at the entrance of the Pantanal, and should we wish to continue to protect the Pantanal we also need to protect its head waters.
However, this area also has an essential conservation status of its own, protecting a wide range of wildlife within its borders. mammals found here include troupes of monkeys, giant anteaters, tapirs, Capybaras, Armadillos, wild dogs, maned wolves, foxes, herds of deer, cougar, and ocelots. There are also over 350 bird species which include Aplomado falcons, burrowing owls, Yellow-faced parrots and maccaws.
Termite mounds litter the landscape and stand as much as 2m high. These are used by a variety of other wildlife. In particular, the larve of the Cumpinzeiro which is a luminescent beetle. If you are lucky, at night, you might get to witness the strange site of vast numbers of these beetles, emerging after rains. They light up the mounds transforming them into strange looking christmas trees.
aaa Sian ka’an biosphere reserve, Monarch butterfly migration Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
Sian ka'an biosphere reserve, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
Bottlenose dolphin, Sea green turtle, Caribbean manatee, Central American Tapir, Forest condor or real condor, Jaguar, Howling monkey, Ocelote in Sian Ka’an, Western manatees can all be found in this reserve.
The reserve is made up of tropical forests, mangroves, marshes and a large area of ocean. The reserve’s name can be translated as gate of heaven.
The reserve covers over 5000 Square km, Part of which is land and the rest is in the coral sea and includes a large area of coral reef.
This is an 8 minute video of someone exploring some of this reserve

photo credit MarcusObal
Jaguars are the only big cat that is found in the Americas. Superficially looking like a Leopard, it is actually no more closely related to a Leopard, than a Lion or Tiger.
Once (as late as the year 1900) ranging from Southern Argentina- north through the rest of South America, and throughout Mexico and the Southern United states (some 19 million square km) its current range is greatly reduced, see the map below.

Wonderful swimmers, fantastic hunters and strong cats, they were undisputed as the apex or one of the apex predators in every environment in which they lived.
They are known to regularly take livestock where it is possible. Possibly as a result of having only millennia rather than the eons that native animals have, they have not learnt to fear humans and keep their distance as healthy populations of lion leopard and tiger do.
However, there is also a huge draw to see this animal in its native habitat. The easiest way to see Jaguar, is usually from a boat on a river.
As with other species on this site, I hope to add many destinations over the next few years. Below these links will be a list of all articles on Jaguars, and we will add all the destinations and links we have, as we make them below the news section.
From the great Pantanal – Brazil’s area of wetland, to a number of reserves across the amazon rainforest (it is estimated that 57,000 Jaguars still survive in the fragments of the Amazon rainforest that still stand. On top of this, there is still significant jaguar habitat in Mexico and central America. One of these was set up by the late great Alan Rabinowitz, who fought right up to hist death for protecting places like Cookscomb basin reserve in Belize.
As with many other wildlife around the world, travel to see these animals is essential, if we are to give a financial incentive to those who live and work in the country. Get in touch if you work in conservation of this incredible animal, or tourism. Link is at the top of the main page (or click here)
Plans to turn the Pantanal into a waterway, will destroy this wilderness
The Pantanal is an incredibly wilderness, however, the Paraguay river is planned to be turned into a water way and build ports. I have included
World maps: explore This website aims to make it easy for those living with wildlife, and those who would like to see it, to find
Returning Jaguars to the USA
While few animals have been completely exterminated from north America in the last 300 years there are a few on the brink. One such animal
Should Jaguars have a place in the ecosystems of the continental north America?
Wild Jaguars are a native resident of the USA. Once roaming as far north as the Grand canyon, they roamed over around 1/3 of its
A jaguar refuge in Mexico is under threat from deforestation and expansion of tourist projects
It is essential that tourists do not damage the places that they visit! I would think that this is obvious, but this is something that
Reintroducing Jaguars to the south west of the USA?
It might be a shock to many, but Jaguars were once native to the USA. What’s more despite humans biggest efforts, the eradication was not
Returning Jaguars to the USA
While few animals have been completely exterminated from north America in the last 300 years there are a few on the brink.
One such animal is the Jaguar.

The last known Jaguar roams the Rocky lands of Southern Arizona and is called Sombra. The last known female was shot 60 years ago this year. Conservationists are calling for Jaguars to be reintroduced into the Gila national forest, a 3 million acre wilderness in New Mexico, along with protection for millions more acres which Sombra currently roams.
Continue reading “Returning Jaguars to the USA”Should Jaguars have a place in the ecosystems of the continental north America?
Wild Jaguars are a native resident of the USA. Once roaming as far north as the Grand canyon, they roamed over around 1/3 of its lands. It is not a natural migration therefore that has therefore meant that Jaguars are extremely rare in the USA.
Currently there are about 173,000 Jaguars living in the wild, meaning that taken as a whole, the Jaguar is far away the safest of the big cats (Lions who come in second, have a population of around 20,000). However, if you look at the part of the Jaguar population that lives in north America, their position becomes far more precarious.
Currently, it is thought that Mexico contains a wild jaguar population of about 4800.

Credit: Ceballos G et al 2021
A jaguar refuge in Mexico is under threat from deforestation and expansion of tourist projects
It is essential that tourists do not damage the places that they visit! I would think that this is obvious, but this is something that often does not occur to the majority of people, to do a quick search and work out if their visit will damage the area.