1% of the world’s population cause 50% of aviation’s annual emissions

We need to find a way to add in the cost of carbon emissions onto airline flight prices.

If just 1% of the world’s population is flying so frequently that they make 50% of the annual emissions from flying, you would suppose that the majority of these people could afford to pay more for the ticket.

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While great progress has been made in greening much of the worlds industries, aviation is one of the few that has made little progress

How can we cut the carbon cost of aviation? There are several possibilities. It is unfortunately unlikely that battery power is ever going to be able to replace fossil fuels on long haul fights (I hope to be proved wrong). Easyjet is aiming to be flying a single isle battery powered plane on 80% of its routes by 2040, and is hoping to be flying routes under 500km on battery planes by 2027 (they are well on the way to this target).

Continue reading “While great progress has been made in greening much of the worlds industries, aviation is one of the few that has made little progress”

As the UK fights another election neither leading party will commit on aviation strategy

As with many countries in the world, one of the biggest parts of our carbon footprint is air travel. I am not someone who thinks that all people should be grounded for life, not least because the majority of the wild places on the planet rely on tourism to bring in the money to pay for their upkeep. Without a tourism income how can we say to a country in Africa” you may not shoot the Lions that keep eating your cattle”.

Continue reading “As the UK fights another election neither leading party will commit on aviation strategy”
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