Lions, tigers and Leopards all living in the same place for the first time in 27 years

A tiger spotted in Gujarat, for the first time in 27 years.

This can only happen in India, as there are no tigers in Africa. 27 years ago, it seems that there were around the same number of tigers in India as there are now (around 3000) though some people put the estimate on the population of Bengal tigers within India at around 5000 (there is much variation on the estimate.

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Asian Leopard cat and Sunda leapard cat

An Asian Leopard cat

Asian Leopard cat

As you can see quite an impressive range. They Asian leopard cat, was once thought to be the same species as the Sunda leopard cat, with the difference only recognized in 2017. It is roughly twice the size of a domestic cat.

There are 2 subspecies currently agreed, one being the  mainland and the other being the Island Sunda leopard cat (I have included an image of the Sunda Leopard cat below).

Below that is a list of any article which mentions the leopard cat, as well as a video of this species. Beneath all of this, we will also add any links that we can to help you see this species in the wild. Do get in touch if you work in ecotourism and ever see this species. We would love to help people find you.

The majority of videos are of this species in captivity, as they are hard to see in the wild. Having said this, we are eager to list any people who work in ecotourism in the this animals range and occasionally see it in the course of their work (we are also keen to list people working in this field who see other species, but they will not appear on this species page but others).

Big cat family tree

The Cat (felidae) family tree

The Cats form an incredibly successful family. It is true that they are missing from the polar regions, and Australasia, but everywhere that they reached they have been successful, and in many ecosystems they are the undisputed kings

Panthera Family

 This family split from hte Felid ancestor 10.8 million years ago. There have been some debate as to whether the two species of clouded leopards should be included in Panthera. On the circular mammal tree (which we are using – look in the species watch tab, or click here)

They are generally included in a subgenus Panthera_Neofilis


Bay cat Familiy

Bay cat ancestor split 9.4 milion years ago

Caracal Family

Caracal Ancestor split 8.5 million years ago

Ocelot Family

Ocelot Ancestor 2.9 million years ago

Lynx Family

Lynx Ancestor 3.2 million years ago

Puma Family

Puma ancestor 4.9 million years ago

Leopard cat Family

Leopard cat Ancestor 5.9 million year ago

Domestic cat Family

Domestic cat Ancestor

DNA analysis has demonstrated significant differences between African and Asian leopards

For the majority of people, a leopard is a leopard. Sure there are quite a range of subspecies, but one generally looks rather like the other. Indeed the only significant difference people often notice is one that has not justification – that of the melanistic leopard (or black panther)

In order to disturb wild leopards as little as possible, the study took DNA samples from museum held leopard specimens all over the world.

Continue reading “DNA analysis has demonstrated significant differences between African and Asian leopards”

See Animals Wild