Australia has had a horrific time since the arrival of Europeans, in terms of extinctions. Much of these have been caused by introductions of stoats and weasels, as well as domestic cats. A wide array of species have been pushed to extinction, while many more are gone from the Australian mainland, but survives on island life rafts off the coast.
In this instance, Pao Ling Tsai, a South Australian farmer, thought that their chickens were being taken by cats, but instead had been hunted and taken by a spotted (or tiger) quoll, an animal last seen in the area 130 years ago. It should be noted that there have been multiple reported sightings, though this is the first time it has been successfully photographed.
Having checked that the quoll was healthy, it was released back into the area it was found, and many camera traps have been set up, in order to see if there are any others in the area.