Aircraft contrails are a significant part of global warming

A recent experiment by google and American airlines, has shown that these could become far rarer which would help cut aviation emissions.

Through using AI models, contrails can be reduced by 54%. Given the impact on global warming (contrails absorb and trap heat really well), removing these contrails could make a big difference around the world.

So how big is this difference? Well planes only account for 2.5% of global emissions, but this increases to 3.5% with other effects such as contrails. A large part of this 1% is down to contrails, so by largely eliminating them, could cut aviation impacts by 2 sevenths.

Looking at it differently, a reduction of 2/7 or 29%, accounts for 2/3 of the emissions cuts required by aviation by 2050.

This does not really make a big difference to the overall issue, but shows that Aviation can still cut their impact in a meaningful way.

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