Unfortunately, this is an article that does not need much work. Unless we find an insane quantity of hydrogen buried under the ground somewhere (and it would have to be infinite to really count), the question is, how much electricity does it take to make 1kg of hydrogen and how far can the car drive on it? If this is more than an electric car, then perhaps Norway has a point.
Continue reading “Norway has released an engine that runs on hydrogen – does this end electric cars future?”Should wolves in Europe have their conservation downgraded? Are they really stable enough to be hunted again
The European commision has proposed downgrading the protection of wolves from their current strictly protected, but it has been suggested that this is not based on any science.
A total of 9 countries (The call for a re-evaluation of the annexes of the EU Habitats Directive is included in a note put forward by Finland with the support of Austria, Czechia, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Romania, Slovakia and Sweden, ahead of the EU Agriculture Council meeting of 23 January).
The problem with this move, is that while in some countries like Romania, there is a large and healthy wolf population, in other countries like France it is a very different matter. If there is a change in their status, it needs to be assessed country by country, and the European Union must really require minimum levels, otherwise, this move is highly likely to lead to the extinction of the wolf across much of Europe once again.
While living alongside wolves is not always simple, it is essential to have predators to control populations of prey, such as deer. This is not something that is easily replaced by culling, and in the UK, the likely reduction in car collisions with deer would save far more than the cost of compensation for the occasional livestock that might be lost (of course, the wolf is not currently wild in the UK and the current government sees no reason to change this).
While complicated, the interest in the wolf is high, and it is highly likely that farmers would be able to supplement their farming income by money they could be paid through ecotourism and allowing people to try to see the wolves from their land. Wolves as with many other species are still slowly recovering from centuries of persecution, they are needed for our ecosystem to flourish, and can be good for everyone, with adjustments and compensation for loss of livestock.
Beaked whales
White-beaked dolphin
aaa Lofoten Islands, Just off the mainland of Norway
These islands are relatively large, covering 1227 square km or 474 square miles. While in the past this island may well have had a permanent population of polar bears, these days, polar bears rarely come this close to Norway,
So what is the wildlife of Lofoten Islands?The Lofoten Islands are home to otters, foxes and whales, as well as moose on the larger islands. We have incredible trips out to see the orcas and humpbacks off the coast of Tromsø and Tromvik in the winter, where travelers spend a week swimming alongside these incredible creatures. Indeed, while whales can be seen from Lofoten islands, one needs a great deal of luck, they are not common enough to have whale watching boats.
Svalbard archipeligo (Norway)
The Swedish government has decided to cull as much as half of the wolf population – why?
Wolf numbers in Sweden started to fall after a law in 1789 allowed commoners to hunt moose and deer, led to a lack of food for the wolf population. It is thought that there were no wolves in the South of Sweden by 1800, and they had vanished from the north by no later than 1900.
However, unlike the UK, Sweden is on mainland Europe. This means that countries bordering Sweden can have very different wolf policies – allowing wolves to naturally return. This happened in 1980s when 3 Finnish-Russian wolves crossed over the border and migrated to the south. These 3 (with occasional new migrants( has grown to 480, mostly in central Sweden.
Conservationists have argued that 300 wolves is the bare minimum for a healthy population. Those who study wolves suggest that wolves have a density of between one every 4.6 squire miles (12 square km) and one every 46 square miles (120 square km). Sweden has an are of 173,000 square miles suggesting a carrying population of between 3700-37000 wolves.
200 is therefore roughly 5% of the minimum carrying capacity of Sweden. Remember that most of Sweden remains heavily forested, and therefore perfect habitat for the wolf. These forests are also shared by 3000 bears.
What these numbers show, is that the current number of wolves in Sweden – 480 spread across roughly 40 packs, is absolutely fine.
The government minister did not give a figure as to how big she thought the population should be, but said that while Sweden must meet its EU obligation to not eradicate the wolf, she supported people “who live where wolves are, who feel social anxiety, and those who have livestock and have been affected”. Now it should be noted that these two policies are not compatible. For many farmers, the only number of wolves that they will be happy with is zero – they will always feel nervous with any wolves still staying wild.
It should be noted that the countries hunting lobby is powerful, and have argued that the wolves eat moose (which they want to be able to hunt) and kill their dogs if they get close enough.
I have experience of the wilds of Sweden. There is a Swedish bear hide listed on this site. Our visit gave us 6 bear sightings and a wolf, and when we went south to the centre of the wolf range we also saw some elk (moose) being harried by a wolf – exciting, even if the sighting was very brief. There is a great deal of money that flows into Sweden for ecotourism, and the potential of this is far higher than the money gained from hunting
Norway keeps demonstrating that they are not good conservators of the wildlife on their land
At the beginning of the year, a census showed that the population of wolves in Norway was about 81. This (you would think) is a population way to small to need a cull. Indeed at this population, you would think that even for trophy hunting, if you hope to be able to sell hunting permits again should be kept to single digits. In the Sierra de culebra is a hunting reserve: this reserve hosts around 80 wolves, and they allow at most 10 wolves to be hunted each year.
Norway announced that it would allow 51 wolves to be shot – about 60% of the population. This is totally insane, and indeed, they were taken to court. What is more ridiculous, is that the wolves live within the “wolf zone” an area of nature set aside to protect the predators. In virtually every country in the world, the idea of killing animals in an area set aside for their survival seems counter-intuitive. This zone makes up 5% of the country.
The appeal was rejected, and over the weekend hunts went on. A total of 9 wolves were shot.
This is foolish for Norway’s global reputation, as well as being foolish in terms of managing the local ecosystem. Furthermore, while a small level of culling may be required to control predation of livestock, Norway is likely to be able to make a great deal of money from wolf tourism – many people visit the country to see the wonderful scenery, and the return of the wolf could have increased these wild tourism numbers
Unfortunately all three Nordic countries have similar plans, with Finland suspending plans to kill 3 packs of wolves just last month – citing European legislation.
Sweden has shot most of their annual quota of 27 wolves (this is the country in which I had the best view of a wolf, by chance while sitting in a bear hide).
Pressure on the Nordic nations should be brought to bare, to halt this unnecessary slaughter from being repeated
Norway continues to ignore science, but the wolf cull has been halted (for now)
Norway is a large country with only 5.4 million population. One would think therefore, that there would be plenty of space for healthy populations of wildlife. Indeed, one would be correct.
However, they draw the line at wolves.
At the start of the year, there was roughly 80 wolves in Norway. It seems foolish to need to say this, but this is not many for a country of this size. Similarly bears only number around 14, and lynx 350. With huge populations of musk ox deer elk and many other herbivores. This is clearly not enough predators.
Unfortunately this is not a view held by Norway.
51 wolves out of the population of 80 were due to be killed. This is clearly not a scientific cull, but one to placate hunters and farmers.
25 of the animals were due to be killed within four packs that live in the “Wolf zone” an area specifically set aside to protect predators. It is these wolves who have been given a stay of execution – conservationists argued that it is absurd to have an area set aside for nature, and to kill such a large proportion of a species that lives within it.
Conservation groups are taking the Nordic countries to court over their extreme hostile environment that they have for wolves. On Friday, Finland suspended licences to kill 3 packs of wolves specifically because of EU legistlation.
It is not wise to cull entire populations. Importantly, significant numbers of tourists visiting the Nordic region come for the wildlife. In other words, these animals are worth far more alive than dead.