Why would you vote for someone to represent you, who denies scientific consensus on climate change?

There are 130 members of the House of representatives in America who do not believe that climate change is occurring.

While a similar number is hard to find in the UK, there are a significant number of prominent MPs who also deny climate change is taking place. Well-known MPs include Nigel Lawson, and Graham Stringer elected to the science and technology committee in the House of Commons ( this appointment is odd as there are many scientists among the Labour MPs so to appoint one one who denies one of the most important issues facing the planet seems strange).

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UK political parties leaders climate change debate

It is still frustrating that often climate issues are one of the lowest priorities for a government. Sure, we want clean air air and clean water but even Donald Trump talks about this. As such it was fantastic to see that one of the main debates for the upcoming UK election was on the climate, and the majority of political parties in the UK sent their leaders to sell their climate policies to the British public. .

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A group of Lawyers supported by several foundations in Washington are fighting to roll back protection for species in the USA

As soon as the election and happened the campaign started. On behalf of cattle ranchers and landowners there’s a determined effort to roll back wildlife protections on threatened species.

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The Big Five fossil fuel producers have spent more than 250 million pounds lobbying the European Union since 2010

Divulgação Petrobras / ABr – Agência Brasil

This statistic that has recently been released it is concerning. The view of the public is increasingly behind supporting to do something about global warming, however the money is continuing to support those who want business as usual.

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Following on from the fires in the Amazon Rainforest story – Bolsonaro is all over the place

For anyone who reads this blog regularly and read my initial article in the run up to his election, you will have seen that this is not the sort of leader that impresses me or many people around the world. He is regularly referred to as the ‘tropical Trump’, and this is generally not a label given as a compliment.

However the fallout from last week’s news has been substantial and he has thrown out many different things in an attempt to distract the news from what he did.

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Donald Trump and Andrew Wheeler, the EPA director, are continuing with the destruction of any sensible climate change mitigation laws

The Trump administration, under the direction of Andrew Wheeler (EPA director), have discarded the law which required the electricity generation to emit less CO2 which was going to mean that most coal plants would shut. Many people have argued that this is too hard on the coal plant owners. Nothing could be further from the truth: many of these plants were due to be closed in the near future anyway. Furthermore, this law would not have closed all coal plants, merely the dirtiest of them all. Not that it’s any surprise but this put paid to Trump’s claim of “clean coal”, a phrase that as far as emissions is stupid anyway

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Theresa May has stated her walking holiday in the Alps pushed her towards zero CO2 emissions by 2050

The UK Prime Minister Theresa May has come out and informed us that part of the reason she pushed for net zero CO2 emissions by 2050 was the fact that when she went on a walking holiday in the Swiss Alps she could see the retreat of ice everywhere.

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