Despite the promise to reverse their insane ban on on-shore wind turbines, there are fears that this what is going to happen

On-shore wind-turbines are far and away the cheapest (currently) and easiest form of renewable power to roll out. The UK is targeting net zero emissions by 2050 (as well as a 68% reduction on 1990 levels by 2030), so any rejection of the cheapest and one of the simplest means of power generation goes against all this. More urgent, the aim is to have a power grid that is 100% green by 2035 – just 12 years away.

Why should a very noisy minority be able to stop the countries efforts to cut our carbon footprint.

The simple fact is, that farmers up and down the country can make good extra money by hosting turbines. Whether crops or grazing is the primary use of the land, wind turbines take up a tiny proportion of the land, and have no discernible effect on output.

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We’re back and raring to go – read, join us, get involved

Hello to all!

I have been in South Africa for two weeks. I have returned, refreshed, knowing that the app is well on its way and more determined to make this website reach its potential, so that it can be part of the solution to the destruction of the natural world.

We can not manage this alone.

The website has a whole host of tools to help with this, and we hope for our readers to take us up, and help us use this resource to save as much of the natural world as is possible.

From guest writing articles to becoming a member (if you live or work in some wild area) or an Ambassador supporter – as you travel spread knowledge of the website and help more and more people for which the website could help to find it and start reaping the benefits.

Over the next few weeks, I will be adding many new articles and stories from my time away as well as many other new endeavours.

We finally have everything in place and so it is just a case of getting the word out!

See Animals Wild