While not seen particularly often, pangolins are found in the country


While the country is still 44% forested, and there is a large amount of wildlife, far less is actually protected, so there is much space for this situation to improve. That is not to say that the country is not protected – there are 128 protected areas, including 30 national parks, 48 nature reserves, 11 species/habitat conservation areas, and 39 landscape protection areas, compromising a total area of 2.5 million hectares or 7.6% of the country’s natural area.

This means that, with unbridled development, much of this rainforest (36% of the area of the country) could well be under threat. This is 118,800 square km or 74,250 square miles are under threat. To put this in perspective, this is one and a half times the size of England.

Visits to see the wildlife of Vietnam may well help the government to change its mind and protect more of the country. We can definitely make a difference.

Vietnam News

Video about the wildlife of this country

See Animals Wild
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