A group of Lawyers supported by several foundations in Washington are fighting to roll back protection for species in the USA

As soon as the election and happened the campaign started. On behalf of cattle ranchers and landowners there’s a determined effort to roll back wildlife protections on threatened species.

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USA has given a hunter permission to bring back body parts of a lion from Tanzania

Up until 2010, hunters in the USA could bring back parts of the lions that they hunted to the USA. Under Obama the import of body parts from African hunts was banned because of their inability to get control of the poaching was going on.

However from the second that Trump came to power, despite giving a message on most things, he has been careful to promote hunting. If you wish to import body parts at the moment, you have to apply for a licence on each occasion.

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West African Lions

There are a small number of lions that still live in West Africa. The population is in steep decline and is now only found reliably in one protected area with small remaining populations in a few others. The last significant population is found in a transboundary protected area between Niger Benin and Burkina Faso. This consists of Arli National park in South East Burkina Faso, Pendjari National Park in Benin and Singou Reserve. This group of protected areas is collectively called the WAP complex (W-Arli-Pendjari). Continue reading “West African Lions”

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