Motoring body saying “UK needs to ban full hybrid cars by 2030 or face net zero ‘catastrophe’ (only cars that can drive on pure electricity)

Full hybrids (more commonly known as plug-in hybrids in the UK) are hybrid cars which can be plugged in

The car industry has done a great job over the last roughly 30 years, of confusing people. It was once the case, that there were 2 different states – the first cars were electric (so suggesting that modern electric cars are a new technology is ridiculous) and then we developed internal combustion engine vehicles. This meant that there were 2 different types of propulsion 1. fossil fuels (petrol, diesel) or 2. electric cars, charged from the mains.

Toyota developed the Prius back in 1997. At the time, a huge step forwards – it only had a battery of 1.3kwh, but this was enough to store energy recovered from braking and release it back, when the car was able to start moving again. This was the first mild hybrid as it is now called.

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Could a simple modification of car charging bring a 90% charge down to 10 minutes? Triple the number of cars a tesla supercharger can recharge in the same time

One of the biggest arguments against electric cars is the length of time that they take to charge. This of course forgets that for virtually every journey in the year, the distance that the car can go without being charged is enough to do the return trip. For the majority of electric cars, you can drive 200-300 miles before having to stop to charge- short of a rare road trip this will do almost all drives. It of course also forgets the fact that a human driver needs to stop for refreshments, to use the toilet and to have a break.

Currently time taken at a tesla supercharge by a tesla 3 is 32 minutes to go from 0% to 80%, as such this protocol could cut the time by 2/3
Continue reading “Could a simple modification of car charging bring a 90% charge down to 10 minutes? Triple the number of cars a tesla supercharger can recharge in the same time”
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