Submit a page

The aim of this website has always been to simplify wild travel and ecotourism, and by doing so to help protect wildernesses and wildlife around the planet. You are in a better place to advertise your wilderness, and it will allow us to help you find customers. By agreeing to be listed, you agree to our revenue sharing payment model we use, whereby our fee is 10% of the price of the trip/holiday/experience, due after the trip has occurred and you have been paid.

Please fill in your name, and the email that you would like to communicate with us at (and which you would like your bookings sent to). Neither of these will be on publicized. We will create a form at the bottom of your page which will send you details of any booking as well as a copy for our records.

In the post title, we require the name of your destination. This will be the name of your campsite or lodge, or reserve (or if you operate in a private part of a greater reserve) and will be the title of your page.

In the first text box (Information) we require information about the wildlife that is around where you operate. Whether you operate in a wilderness, a reserve or in close proximity to people, we need to know about the area in which you operate and what can be seen there. People will come to this site to look at eco-tourism – for many of them, comfort is a secondary issue, they are looking for an experience. This is the place to sell why they should come and visit your place. If you operate within a part of a larger reserve (for instance Sabi sands operates in a small part of the greater Limpopo transfrontier park) do include some information about this place (though if we already have the ecosystem included we will add you to already existing pages). Look at those listed so far for examples. If the ecosystem you operate in is not yet listed at all, we will create a page for it, from what you supply. Should you have any videos of the wildlife on your land, include a link to this (we can display videos from youtube or vimeo as well as many other sites) and we will load a window in your page to show it.

In (post content) we require information about what you are offering. Perhaps you are merely offering access to land to watch the wildlife for a few hours, or maybe you offer a meal while people are watching, or indeed perhaps you offer accommodation in or near the wilderness area. Alternatively you are a wildlife guide and your service is finding the wildlife in the first place. This is where to sell your service.

Finally, we need images. Each listing will consist of 2 sets of pictures, the first after your initial text box will show images of the wildlife in question. The second will be of the services that you offer (Food, accommodation, guiding etc) . We need at least one picture for each, and should not have more than 4-5 in each section


See Animals Wild