So you wish to list an additional Lodge or campsite within a wild place? please fill in the form Name Email for correspondence about your listing Which already listed ecosystem does this camp/lodge something else reside within. If the ecosystem is not already listed, you are in the wrong place Images of the ecosystem Do you operate in a specific part of the park (i.e. private concession within a national park, private game reserve like Sabi sands is within the greater Kruger national park. If so text about your part of the park. What do you see regualrly etc. Images of the area around your camp/lodge Text to introduce your camp/lodge. How big is it, what makes you stand out. Facilities etc. This is your chance to sell your residence against all the others. What does your price include? is it all inclusive? what are your game drives like Images of your lodge/campsite facilities etc Email that you wish to have your bookings sent too List of information that you wish to get from prospective visitors - name email contact etc Indicative pricing. Obviously there are many things that impact the actual price of a visit. What we need at this point is a rough price of staying with you Send