
Around 1 quarter or 35,000 gorillas live in the country alongside 50,000 forest elephants and 64,000 chimpanzees. This despite being a relatively small country. However, this is perhaps not surprising, as a whopping 88% of the country remains forested.

In 2002, a total of 13 national parks were set up. Now it is questionable as to what is going to happen to all the forest outside the protected areas, but for the time being there does not appear to be much demand for reducing tree cover.

Given the high percentage of the country which remains forested, there is much space for private reserves and other national parks. However, the 13 national parks that were set up in 2002 do cover 10% of the country. Unfortunately, it is still the case that few people visit the country for its national parks. Part of the reason for this is the fact that they have gone for expensive low impact tourism, however, at the current time, there are too few tourists to sustain the business model. I hope to be able to list these places for booking as soon as possible, however, for the time-being they will app lie in our future destinations section. As soon as we have contacts to help your travel, these will move to wild places destinations.

Future Destinations - Gabon

Gabon News

See Animals Wild
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