Rhodope mountains (Balkan Mountains)

Note – this is currently classed as a future destination with no links. Hopefully this will change soon

These mountains are split between Serbia and Bulgaria. Rare species in these mountains include cinereous vultures can be seen soaring above. Among the dozens of other raptor species Eastern imperial eagle, Saker falcon, Levant sparrowhawk, Peregrine falcon and several other eagles can also be found. The whole region is also a stronghold within Bulgaria for wolf and jackal.

In the Bulgarian Rhodope mountains there are some of the last Balkan lynx thought to number 50.

Andes Cloud forests

One of the most fascinating habitats are cloud forests. These occur between 1800m and 3500m, and are characterized by being very wet environments.

These are incredibly biodiverse places

The Andes cloud forests stretch over 3 countries and a map with links to each is included below. I am yet to have any links here, but would be eager to talk to anyone who works in tourism in this area

Andes Cloud forest – Ecuador

Andes cloud forest of Ecuador

The Andes cloud forest fill a large part of the Ecuadorian highlands.


Although very rich in flora and fauna, few large mammals are found in the Andean Cloud forests, including the Yungas and parts of the Choco exceptions being the threatened mountain tapir, spectacled bear and yellow-tailed woolly monkey.

Ecuador has a national park called

Sangay national park. click here for our listing of it

To go to the general Andes cloud forest page click here

As links start to appear these will appear below

Serbia alps

Serbian Alps

The Serbian Alps are part of the Dinaric Alps, which lie in the South eastern part of the continent. This mountain range includes a significant part of the country.4 different mountain ranges lie in this country. This will mean that this country will feature in a variety of mountain range pages. In the East of the country, the great Carpathian mountain chain also lies, along with the Balkan mountains chain. Finally the Rila-Rhodope mountain system lies in the far South of the country. This wide range of mountains, not surprisingly, mean that much of the country remains wild, meaning that the country could support large populations of various wildlife.


A view of the Serbian Alps


Wolves are not treated well, with these animals widely shot poisoned and trapped. As such, the remaining population of around 500 wild wolves, seems higher than we should expect. Increased tourism might well lead to a more nuanced discussion over these predators.

Bears are unfortunately even less healthy from a population standpoint in the country, with a population of 50-60. Never the less, if well treated, bear populations are capable of bouncing back relatively quickly. These bears form a bigger population with countries in the area. As such, genetically they are more healthy than these numbers might lead people to think.

Serbia contains part of the range of the Balkan Lynx which is spread across Albania, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Croatia and possibly even Northern Greece. Given that this entire population numbers only around 60-120 in size, it is incredibly rare.

The Balkan Lynx only has a population of 60-120 spread across Albania, Kosovo and North Macedonia. There are also thought to be some in Serbia Montenegro and greece.(opens in a new tab)


Serbian wolves are clinging on in the country despite being treated poorly

The Serbian Alps cover roughly the bottom half of the country. Below you will find a sightings board for this region of Serbia

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