
These ecosystems include the peaks of the Andes mountain range, cloud forests, the Amazon rainforest, mangroves, coastal regions and a tropical dry forest. As such, this is going to be a fantastic destination for you to visit if your interested in wildlife.

Links to areas to visit will appear below.  Please note, it is not possible to add sightings to this map above. This is because the whole country is is a specific regional ecosystem. Over time every area will become clickable, so that you can access the ecosystem and record sightings.

Help us build up a map of where wildlife has been seen. Add any sightings of mammals that you encounter. As this map starts to be used, we will greatly reduce how long sightings remain free for anyone to see, so that hunters and poachers cannot use this as a resource. The idea is that over time we can build up an idea of exactly where we should look for them.

Ecuador -future destinations

See Animals Wild
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