In the shadow of mankind
Wildllife that lives alongside humans
In every country in the world we are not the only species that exists. While you would think that you must be in a remote place to see interesting wildlife, much of it lives very close to people. From bears and wolves in Europe to leopards and monkeys in Africa, there are animals happily living their lives.
Unfortunately due to the lack of protection they can often suffer from their proximity to humans and be killed accidentally or indeed often on purpose. The intention of this section of the website is to allow people to offer the ability to see them, and in return earn some money – as an addition to the farm or what ever else they use the land for.
For the tourist you will get a chance to see animals living totally natural lives, and make sure that the people who are inconvenienced see the value and so will protect the wildlife they share their space with.
I hope over time for this to grow dramatically, but for now I only include a series of wildlife encounters within the UK.
To view the wildlife of a country click on it (only the blue countries have so far been added, I hope this to grow quickly)