On-shore wind-turbines are far and away the cheapest (currently) and easiest form of renewable power to roll out. The UK is targeting net zero emissions by 2050 (as well as a 68% reduction on 1990 levels by 2030), so any rejection of the cheapest and one of the simplest means of power generation goes against all this. More urgent, the aim is to have a power grid that is 100% green by 2035 – just 12 years away.

The simple fact is, that farmers up and down the country can make good extra money by hosting turbines. Whether crops or grazing is the primary use of the land, wind turbines take up a tiny proportion of the land, and have no discernible effect on output.
A whole group of campaigners have signed their name to a public letter, trying to force the government to live up to its promises (lead by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall).
The fear is that by pointing at obscure footnotes in planning regulations, the government will be able to claim to have changed the regulations but at the same time block future on-shore wind turbines.
Continually, polls suggest that an overwhelming majority of people are in favour of on-shore wind, The current footnote essentially means that one dissenting voice can scupper a project which the vast majority of locals wish to have. To show how extreme this is, just 2 on-shore wind turbines were built last year.
Even the RSPB are in support – with a spokesman pointing out that with careful planning, impact on wildlife will be very small.
It is thought that this effective ban came about because of NIMBYism by certain conservative MPs (not in my back yard), however given the vast majority of UK citizens want this to proceed, these foolish MPs must learn that they are there as representatives and get out of the way.