
37.1% of the country is forested with 35.5% being primary forest. From the Indo-Chinese Tiger, to the clouded leopard to the Dhole and the Asian elephant there is plenty of wildlife to see. The lar gibbon and agile gibbon is found within the country, and while not seen everyday (they are encountered regularly), can be heard from a large distance (and their dawn chorus can be heard from miles around). National parks in Thailand are defined as areas that contain “natural resources of ecological importance or unique beauty, or flora and fauna of special importance”. As of 2019 Thailand’s protected areas included 156 national parks, 58 wildlife sanctuaries, 67 non-hunting areas, and 120 forest parks. They cover almost 31 percent of the kingdom’s territory.

There is a relatively well developed eco-tourism marketplace within Thailand, and as such, there are plenty of guides, campsites and other amenities for the travelling tourist.

Below this text box, is a list of all news articles from this site, which mention Thailand. Below that, you will find a wildlife documentary about this country. Below that we will add any links which will help you plan your trip to the country.

Thailand News

Wildlife documentary from Thailand

See Animals Wild
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