Adding seaweed to cattle diet 70% reduction methane!

Humans are aging co2 and other warming gases to the atmosphere at an increasing rate through our activities. 

Much of these warming gases come from travel, though in the long-term this will be significantly reduced, by electrification.

Other activities appear harder to reduce emissions. One such area is farming. There are all sorts of issues in farming, but as far as emissions are concerned this issue, is methane, which comes from the animals (essentially cows breaking wind).

All sorts of solutions have been suggested, including fitting cows with a device to store the gases for use later (usually burnt for heating). 

However, a recent study has suggested a novel solution. They found by adding a small amount of seaweed (around 2% of volume) into the cattle feed, can reduce the gas creation in their stomach by as much as 70%. 

This would be a relatively cheap solution, that can cut farming emissions dramatically,  and potentially adds an industry for coastal communities as well. It is also likely far simpler and cheaper than farmers trying to collect the gas for future use.

See Animals Wild