Sunderbarns between Bangladesh and India

This is a mangrove area in the Delta formed by the confluence of the Ganges Brahmaputra  and meghna rivers in the bay of Bengal.

The Sundarbans forest reserve of Bangladesh is the largest mangrove forest in the world. This consists of four protected areas, Sanderbans West south and East, which are all in Bangladesh, and Sundarbans national park in India. The total area consists of around about 10,000 square kilometres. 290 species of birds 120 species of fish 42 species of mammal 35 species of reptile and 8 amphibians are found within the reserve. Unfortunately, although killing or capturing of anything other than a few species of fish and invertebrates, there is a constant pattern of hunting and as a result the ecological quality of the forest is declining.

Being low lying it is also greatly at threat from rising sea levels.

Across the four national parks there are thought to be about 180 tigers making it highly important for their conservation. Unfortunately this area is also known for Tiger attacks with about 40 people killed between 2000 and 2010. Other than the Tiger, other cats living in the reserve include the jungle cat, the fishing cat, and the leopard cat. The Indian tigers mostly live on chital deer, Indian muntjac and wild boar. Extinct species from the area include the javan rhino that lived there until before the 1900s. Indian rhinos were also once found here along with water buffalo.

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