New World Monkeys - Parvorder Platyrrhini

While not as numerous as the old world monkeys, there are still 60 species found in south America. These are split into 5 families which we will deal with one by one.

  1. Family Callitrichidae (Also known as Arctopitheci or Hapalidae – this family has been at times considered a subsfamily of Cebidae): marmosets and tamarins (and Lion Tamarins). this family consists of 7 living genus.

So firstly Tamarins. There are 2 genus

Genus Saguinus, subgenus Saguinus

Second Subgenus Tamarinus

Second Genus Leontocebus

Next we have Genus Leontopithecus which is the genus of Lion Tamarins

Finally, we have 25 marmosets across 4 genus 

Next the Cebidae family – these are made up of capuchin and squirrel monkeys.

First Subfamily Cebinae, which contains 2 genus

The genus Cebus the is the gracile capuchin monkeys

The other genus is Sapajus which are the robust capuchin monkeys

The other Subfamily Saimiriinae  is made up of the squirrel monkeys. This has only one genus: Saimiri

Genus Saimiri - Squirrel monkeys

The third is family Aotidae which consists of the night (or owl) monkeys 

Firstly, Actus Lemurinus (grey necked) Group

and secondly, Genus Aotus azarae (red necked) Group

The fourth is family Atelidae. This contains 2 subfamilies the first of which is Subfamily Alouattinae.

This contains just Genus Alouatta which is howler monkeys. This genus is split into 3 groups – we will cover the first 2 groups in one gallery (name of group will be included with name of species

The third group of this genus is Alouatta seniculus group, which has more species.

The other Subfamily Atelinae contains both spider and wooly monkeys.

This has 3 genus

Firstly, Genus Ateles, spider monkeys

The second genus is Genus Brachyteles, the muriquis woolly spider monkeys 

The third genus is Genus Lagothrix containing the  woolly monkeys

The last south american subfamily of monkeys is Pitheciidae.

This contains 2 sub families which we will deal with in turn

Subfamily Callicebinae, titis Which contains 3 genus 

The first genus is Genus Callicebus

 The second Genus is  Cheracebus

and the third Genus is Plecturocebus (a titi monkey genus)

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