Transfrontier parks are an incredible invention, by coordinating where they are setting up parks, each country need give up less land and still be left with an ecosystem that can truly survive and thrive long term. While this one protects 38,000 square km, that is not anywhere near the largest, even in South Africa. Never-the-less 38 thousand square kilometres is an incredibly large area and is well worth a visit.

 It consists largely of reddish dunes, with species of acacia growing in the riverbeds. Quick grass, gemsbok cucumber, and such shrubs as driedoring and raisinbush provide forage for large herds of gemsbok (subspecies of oryx), wildebeest, springbok, and some red hartebeest. Among other wildlife are lions (well known in this reserve for their black manes), the smaller cats such cheetah as caracals and servals, wild dogs, black-backed jackals, and ostriches and numerous other birds.

See Animals Wild