Fat-tailed dwarf lemur

Fat-tailed dwarf lemurs are fascinating as the only primate to hibernate. Interestingly, this has the longest lifespan of all the species that are similar, living as much as 30 years in captivity, which is significantly longer than many other primates of a similar size.

Between 2000 and 2009, there was roughly half of the range which was recognized as a separate species (Southern fat tailed dwarf lemur), however they were then demonstrated to be too similar, so therefore the two groups were merged.

This species is active at night, eating insects, other small animals, alongside fruit and flowers. They are small with an adult weight of just 160 grams.

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Should you work in conservation of this animal, we would love to publish some updates on how they are doing, and similarly are always keen to list opportunities for people to see this species in the wild, and benefit the people and places around where they are found. Do get in touch 

They are currently considered vulnerable to extinction, but is currently common and widespread throughout its current range.

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