Czechia (formerly the Czech republic)
The Czech republic is relatively small country in central Europe. Despite lying behind the iron curtain, it does not have thriving populations of many of the big mammals of Europe, and is one of the least wildlife friendly of the mountainous countries of Europe.
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The Carpathian mountains great arc upper side essentially starts in Czech republic, and this is where the majority of their interesting animals are found. This region of the Carpathians with the area in Slovakia are sometimes called the White Carpathians
There are around 24 “groups” of wolves in this country, which consist of 18 wolf packs – a wolf pack in Czechia consists of 4-6 individuals, there are also 4 pairs, and 2 lone wolves (as of the start of 2022. They are spread relatively evenly around most of the border of the country. Unfortunately poaching continues at relatively high levels, which stops this population growing much more.
What is clear, is that interest in the wolves amongst tourists is likely to encourage ecotourism to become an industry in Czech republic. It will also help give value to the few wolves that there currently are.
There is no permanent population of Bears within the country, though due to nearby populations, roaming bears enter the country relatively regularly.
There are currently up to 80 Lynx that live within the country. These are mostly found in the south west, with a smaller population in the East. There are also sporadic sightings in other regions. It does suggest a potential to host a greater number of these cats.
A small herd of 6 animals have also been returned to a reserve (used to be an army training ground) near Prague.
Links to areas to visit will appear below the box showing any wildlife news about the Czech republic.
Czechia News
Should wolves in Europe have their conservation downgraded? Are they really stable enough to be hunted again
- Tim
- March 22, 2024