Hawaiian monk seal

Unlike the Caribbean monk seal, the Hawaiian monk seal is doing well

Hawaiin Monk-seal

It is the only native seal to Hawaii, and alongside the Hawaii Hoary bat, are the only 2 native mammals. Unfortunately, it is endangered, with just 1400 individuals living in the wild. The majority of these seals live on the outer islands, with the main island population being as low as 150.

These seals have lived on the islands for millions of years, so it is a native seal, not a local arrival. Due to the large distance to other land, these seals have been isolated from other seals for a very long time.

Please get in touch with the “list your wild place” on the home page if you work in tourism for this species. We are keen to help people know about you and what you can offer.

Caribbean monk seal

Caribbean Monk seal

Also known as the West Indian seal and the sea wolf, this species of seal is the first to be lost in recent times. It is thought that it is a mixture of overfishing and direct hunting for seal oil which did it.

The last confirmed sightings of a living specimen was in 1952.

They are (or were) hunted by great white sharks, Galapagos sharks and tiger sharks.

Unfortunately, nothing can save this species, or indeed bring it back, which means that the area cannot benefit from tourism for this species

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