Black forest, Germany
Germanys black forest covers 6009 square km, or 2300 square miles. Historically, this area would have had a great deal of wildlife. Currently red, fallow and roe deer, boar, chamois, beavers and lynx. In recent times, 8 European bison have been reintroduced, though this number must be given a long time to grow, or indeed far more added to the numbers.
In recent years, both wolves and bears have visited this area. Historically, there would have been a significant number of these predators living here. 20 Lynx have been reintroduced in recent years. Lynx are often called the ghost cat, as they are rarely seen. As a result, the odds of finding a lynx in the black forest are currently about as low as is possible, but the lynx population is likely to grow over the years.
Wolves and bears have both visited in the last few years, and I think that it is highly likely that these animals are likely to settle in this region unless there is a constant attempt to keep them extinct, and each new one to move into the area would have to be hunted.