According to a new study the west Antarctic ice shelf will now melt (not a question of if but when)

West antarctic ice sheet from high up NASA image by Jeff Schmaltz CC by 2.0

So, if the melting of this ice sheet is now unaviodable what would its impacts be? Well this ice sheet has enough volume of water, to raise global water levels by 5m. While this might not sound like much, there are 16 countries around the world who would loose more than 10% of their area, and the country at the top – the Netherlands, would loose roughly 55% of its landmass. It is estimated that by 2030 5.4% of the worlds population or 460 million people will live in this zone that will cease to exist.

Unfortunately, there is little positive to write, as the author suggests that this is now inevitable. Drastic cutting now, is all that can stop this damage at 5m raise in sea levels. Without it, what are we going to see? 100m rise in sea levels? This would require us finding space for 1/3 or the human population, on the remaining land, as their land will disappear beneath the seas.

Why is this not considered a major disaster?

What to do, when officials at the UN farming body have their findings censored? Is the UN working for more global warming?

A large, and growing proportion of worlds methane emissions comes from the meat industry around the world. Methane is a far more powerful, if shorter lived warming gas, with 84 times the warming potential over 20 years (and still 28 times the warming potential over a century.

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Black and gold howler monkeys avoid power cables when they can in Paraguay.

Many species of primate within the Amazon rainforest has become quite content moving around in human areas, as they have sprung up fast across the region.

Yet, these cables are not surprisingly dangerous, carrying high voltage. As such, in some places an alarming number of them die as a result.

As these towns are built within the Amazon, we must make sure that it does not kill wildlife that wanders into town

Javan rhinos: is the Indonesian government lying? misleading? or being straight with the world.

It appears that the counters of the Javan rhino, have continued to count animals which have not been seen for years. Given how much poaching has been going on, this seems much more than simply misleading.

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 Unfortunately, this counting issue, takes the Javan rhino from a species which is recovering at an impressive rate, to a species which might disappear within a decade. In the latest count 3 rhino were included, which are known to have died back in 2019.

According to the official numbers, in 2011, when the cameras were installed there were 35 rhino, and that number has climbed steadily to a current number of roughly 72.


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