In December Oregan republican officials approved regulations that would ban the sale of gasoline powered cars from 2035. This is fantastic news, but it appears that it is one step forwards and one back – Wyoming republicans are looking to ban the sale of all electric vehicles, in what lawmakers are calling an effort to preserve the states fossil fuel industry.

This bill has been sponsored by Jim Anderson (as well as other leading republicans) and would phase out the sale of electric cars by 2035. This state appears to get 59% of its funding from fossil fuel companies.
This is a problem.
Might it work? Well states banning the sale of teslas failed to halt its rise. Might, in the future people in Wyoming have to cross the borders in order to buy their electric cars and then return.
Are Wyoming residents willing to go along with this? My family have saved over £3000 a year by going electric, I don’t know about them, but while I may feel sympathy I would not be happy to pay an extra £3000 for a declining industry to survive on.
So much for the open market!
Wyoming has actually been at the forfront of the electric vehicle revolution, with Lusk (in Wyoming) becoming one of the smallest towns to get a Tesla Supercharger.