
More than 30% of Zambia’s area (752,614 km² or 290,586 mi² roughly the same size as Türkiye) is reserved for wildlife. There are 20 national parks and 34 game management areas in the country.

Given this, some populations do not appear to be as high as they should be. The country has a lion population of around 1200, though this seems pretty low given the amount of protected land.

Greater Kafue Ecosystem is one of the largest ecosystems in Africa (the greater ecosystem being the Kalahari Zambezi transfrontier park), and is one of 2 areas in the country where lion are present (the other being Luangwa valley and the north and south national park in this area). Having said this, many of Zambia national parks are on the border with other countries, allowing lions to return (in places). It is possible that the right policies could greatly boost lions in these parts of the country. Nsumba national park on the border with Tanzania is another area where you occasionally see lions, probably because of its proximity to protected land across the border in Tanzania. sioma ngwezi national park, likewise has lions.

Given how much land in Zambia is set aside for wildlife, and without forgetting the spectacular sites like the view above, Zambia is likely to be on most lists for places to visit

Zambia News

Future Destinations - Zambia

National parks (none currently have pages attached, they will be attached to the below images, as they are written)

The various kinds of reserves will be added in time (community reserves, scientific reserves and wildlife reserves).

See Animals Wild
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