While these fuels power much of the creation of electricity around the world, as well as most transport and heating, they all need to either be left in the ground...
Gas is behind the phase out of coal, partly because gas is cleaner than coal. Never the less, in places like the UK, as coal plants have all been turned off, there is then a requirement to turn off gas as well. However, perhaps first, we need to move away from gas heated homes. This accounts for 38% of the uk gas use (a further 29% is used in gas power plants). We have the means to eliminate both of these gas uses, and need to do so as soon as possible.
While these fuels power much of the creation of electricity around the world, as well as most transport and heating, they all need to either be left in the ground...
This is a particularly odd behaviour. It is significantly cheaper to generate electricity by virtually any form of...
If we have enough oil, gas and coal licenced to last us until we need to be...
Exxon is like many other oil companies - they have buried their head in the sand, and have continued to deny the science.
Despite all our promises, Rishi Sunak (the UK prime minister) has vowed to max out the UK fossil fuels reserves.
Now there are several stupid issues with this position.
The UK likes to toot its horn for its progress in climate change mitigation. It is certainly true that the country is in many areas moving in the right direction....
A new analysis shows that Britain can cut gas use from the power sector by 2030 (5 years early compared to current targets) and that this would save large amounts...
Most of the historical oil and gas has been used by North America and Europe.
As a result, Europe and America have to take a large amount of blame for...
As if we need any examples of the contradictory actions of rich governments, the UK government is still giving permission for new had fields to be created.
It is known...
We know that meat eating is one of the activities that has a detrimental effect on the environment. Not only that, but we know that much of the meat is...
It is thought that when you add in all the unaccounted emissions, emissions from using hydrogen could be 20% higher than using gas itself.
We must make sure that current...
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