Uruguay manned wolf Photo credit Enrique González - Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Uruguay CC BY-SA 4.0


Uruguay does host a bit of the Amazon rainforest, with around 10% of its area covered. However, there are a wide array of different ecosystems that fit into this country.

Other than rainforest, ecosystems include desert, mountain forest, dry forest, native pastures, wetlands, peatlands, grasslands, and mangroves create a melting pot of landscapes.

It should be noted, that at the current time, just 3.68% of the country is protected, which means that much of the rainforest in the country is not protected, so there is still a great deal to be done, if this country is to protect what wilderness currently exists.


Future destinations

Natural monuments (1)

Protected Landscapes (6)

Protected areas of managed resources (2)

Habitat/species management areas (4)

UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserves (2)

Ramsar sites (3)

Uruguay News

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