Plains Zebra

This is the most widespread species of zebra, found across much of the continent of Africa. Not surprisingly, given this large range, there are also 7 different subspecies.


 Maneless zebra,  – Lönnberg, 1921
Only 100-400 survive
northwestern Kenya (from Uasin Gishu and Lake Baringo) to the Karamoja district of Uganda.
 Grant’s zebra – Matschie, 1892
Around 500,000 remain
Zambia west of the Luangwa River and west to Kariba, Katanga Province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, north to the Kibanzao Plateau, and in Tanzania north from Nyangaui and Kibwezi into southwestern Kenya as far as Sotik and southwestern Ethiopia from Omo Valley to Nechisar plains in the north and Yabello and Borena Zone to the east.
 Crawshay’s zebra,  – De Winton, 1896
20,000 remain (most in Zambia)
eastern Zambia, east of the Luangwa River, Malawi, southeastern Tanzania, and northern Mozambique south to the Gorongoza District
 Chapman’s zebra,  – Layard, 1865
20300 (most in Zimbabwe)
north-east South Africa, north to Zimbabwe, west into Botswana, the Caprivi Strip in Namibia, and southern Angola.
 Burchell’s zebra – Gray, 1824
663000 in wild
southern Botswana to Etosha and the Kaokoveld, and southeast to Eswatini and KwaZulu-Natal.
 Quagga, †– Boddaert, 1785
Extinct since 1878
South Africa
 Selous’ zebra, Equus quagga selousi – Pocock, 1897*
in 1970 20,000 remained, 1999 very few remained, but they have recovered since

The zebra is a stereotypical species to encounter on safari, and is generally not hard to find in many reserves. As you can see, from the above date they range from being very stable to heavily endangered.

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